Hiking & Backpacking Award Badges

Everett Branch 20 Lookout Peaks
A peak pin and badge for hiking to peaks with fire lookouts maintained by our Everett Branch.

Foothills Branch Pacific Crest Trail 50 Miles
A digital profile badge earned by hiking, backpacking or snowshoeing 50 or more one-way miles on the Pacific Crest Trail in Washington State.

Foothills Branch Pacific Crest Trail 100 Miles
A digital profile badge earned by hiking, backpacking or snowshoeing 100 or more one-way miles on the Pacific Crest Trail in Washington State.

Foothills Branch Pacific Crest Trail 250 Miles
A digital profile badge earned by hiking, backpacking or snowshoeing 250 or more one-way miles on the Pacific Crest Trail in Washington State.

Foothills Branch Pacific Crest Trail 500 Miles
A digital profile badge earned by hiking, backpacking or snowshoeing 500 or more one-way miles on the Pacific Crest Trail in Washington State.

Olympia Branch Alpine Lakes
A pin and badge earned by hiking to 12 lakes in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness. Party size must be 2 or more and adequate equipment including the Ten Essentials must be carried.

Olympia Branch Lookout Patch
A patch and badge for hiking, climbing, or scrambling to the summit of peaks that are or were Forest Fire Lookouts sites.

Olympia Branch Lookout Rocker
A rocker and badge to go with your patch and badge for hiking, climbing, or scrambling to the summit of peaks that are or were Forest Fire Lookouts sites.

Olympia Branch North Cascades Lakes
A pin and badge earned for hiking to 12 alpine lakes in the North Cascades. Party Size must be 2 or more and adequate equipment including the Ten Essentials must be carried.

Olympia Branch Olympic Lakes
A pin and badge earned for hiking to 12 alpine lakes in the Olympics. Party size must be 2 or more and adequate equipment including the Ten Essentials must be carried.

Olympia Branch Olympic Trails 100 Miles
A patch badge earned by hiking 100 or more one way miles on trails in the Olympic National Park and Olympic National Forest.

Olympia Branch South Cascades Lakes
A pin and badge earned for hiking to 12 alpine lakes in the South Cascades. Party size must be 2 or more and adequate equipment including the Ten Essentials must be carried.

Seattle 25 Classic Hikes Washington
This award recognizes hikers who have completed 25+ hikes from "100 Classic Hikes: Washington."

Seattle 50 Classic Hikes Washington
This award recognizes hikers who have completed 50+ hikes from "100 Classic Hikes: Washington."

Seattle 75 Classic Hikes Washington
This award recognizes hikers who have completed 75+ hikes from "100 Classic Hikes: Washington."

Seattle 100 Classic Hikes Washington
This award recognizes hikers who have completed 100+ hikes from "100 Classic Hikes: Washington."

Seattle Branch 15 Hiking Peaks in Mount Rainier National Park
A badge and a challenge coin for hiking to the summit of 15 peaks in Mount Rainier National Park.

Seattle Branch Appalachian Trail Thru-Hiker
A profile badge awarded for backpacking the entire Appalachian Trail in a single season.

Seattle Branch Appalachian Trail Section Hiker
A profile badge for backpacking the entire Appalachian Trail in sections.

Seattle Branch Bronze Backpack
A badge awarded for visiting a broad variety of classic backpacking destinations throughout Washington. This is the first in a set of three backpacking award badges.

Seattle Branch Gold Backpack
A badge awarded for visiting a broad variety of classic backpacking destinations throughout Washington. The holder of this badge can truly be said to be familiar with most of the premier backpacking regions in or near Washington. This is the third and final in a set of three backpacking award badges.

Seattle Branch John Muir Trail Thru-Hiker
A profile badge for backpacking the entire John Muir Trail in a single trip.

Seattle Branch John Muir Trail Section Hiker
A profile badge for backpacking the entire John Muir Trail in sections.

Seattle Branch Oregon PCT Section Hiker
A profile badge awarded for backpacking the entire Oregon portion of the Pacific Crest Trail in sections.

Seattle Branch Oregon PCT Thru Hiker
A profile badge awarded for backpacking the entire Oregon portion of the Pacific Crest Trail in a single trip.

Seattle Branch PCT Section Hiker
A profile badge awarded for backpacking the entire Pacific Crest Trail in sections.

Seattle Branch PCT Thru Hiker
A profile badge awarded for backpacking the entire length of the Pacific Crest Trail in a single season.

Seattle Branch Silver Backpack
A badge awarded for visiting a broad variety of classic backpacking destinations throughout Washington. This is the second in a set of three backpacking award badges.

Seattle Branch Washington PCT Section Hiker
A profile badge awarded for backpacking the entire Washington portion of the Pacific Crest Trail in sections.

Seattle Branch Washington PCT Thru Hiker
A profile badge awarded for backpacking the entire Washington portion of the Pacific Crest Trail in a single trip.