Foothills Branch Pacific Crest Trail 250 Miles


Foothills Branch Pacific Crest Trail 250 Miles

A digital profile badge earned by hiking, backpacking or snowshoeing 250 or more one-way miles on the Pacific Crest Trail in Washington State.


Earn a badge for your profile for hiking, backpacking or snowshoeing 250 or more miles of the Pacific Crest Trail in Washington State on or after January 1, 2010.

Actual Pacific Crest Trail miles only, in any season, qualify.

Trails and roads that connect to the Pacific Crest Trail do not qualify, nor do trails traversed incidental to a successful hike, climb or snowshoe of a peak when such hike, climb or snowshoe is claimed for credit on another Mountaineers award.

Trail mileage counts one-way only and without duplication on the same trip. Overlapping miles are allowed on subsequent trips.

Party size must be two or more. The trips must be made in accordance with Leave No Trace principles and adequate equipment, including the Ten Essentials, must be carried.


Hike, backpack or snowshoe all mileage while a current member of The Mountaineers. The trips can be private and with non-Mountaineer members. Send your award request to the contact below with your name, inclusive dates of current membership with The Mountaineers, your total mileage, the date of each trip, section of PCT covered by each trip (please use easily identifiable mileage landmarks such as found in the Pacific Crest Trail Data Book), miles of each section, and the names of all party members on each trip. Please DO NOT send links to databases.


The Foothills branch hiking committee chair.