Chronological History of Meany Lodge
Mountaineer Skiers determined that another ski hut, additional to Snoqualmie Lodge, was needed. The background of this was to establish a string of mountain huts, similar to the Alps. The choices in 1927, had to be limited to areas served by railroads, There being no winter highways. A scouting committee traveled on the NorthernPacific Railroad (NPRR now BNSF), stayed overnight in a box car at the western end of the Stampede Pass tunnel, skied across Stampede Pass, and found a site on the East end of the tunnel. The site chosen was later found to be the location of the 1886-88 construction camp used for tunnel construction. It was called "Tunnel City"; later the name was changed to "Martin" when the NPRR established an operating base at the eastern portal of the tunnel.
- University of Washington Professor, Edmond S. Meany, was president of the Mountaineers' for 25 years. He was not a skier, however he purchased the land for the new cabin, 54 acres for $125 and donated it to the Mountaineers'
- Wood Cabin constructed, 20' X 50', with main and attic floors for dormitories.
- Lumber from Cabin Creek Sawmill.
- Kitchen at the east end, heating stove at west with coal from NPRR for fuel.
- Coleman lanterns for lights.
- Water piped in from nearby creek. No inside lining.
- Two outside pit toilets
- Dedication and Consequently, in his honor, the new cabin was named "Meany Ski Hut".
- First ski season (Dec 28 - Apr 29) - Touring skiing
- Access via NPRR passenger train - $2 per trip
- Added pantry to West end - 8'X20', one story, lean-to roof. (still being used as pantry)
- Cleared 2nd growth and brush from "Hells Half Acre", a patch to North of the "Lane" and at the bottom of the slope.
- Two loggers hired with funds donated to cleared "The Lane"
- Left 3'-4' high stumps, downed trees all criss-crossed. Unsatisfactory performance.
- Continue to straighten up mess left by loggers last year.
- Downed tree logs laid parallel on fall line of slope
- Stumps still 3'-4' high.
- Constructed rope tow - vertical drop about 280'
- Powered by gasoline Fordson tractor
- Maple driving rims bolted on the large rear wheels
- Tractor propped up clear of the floor
- Tow hut made of logs cut from trees which came from "lane" widening
- Head pulley mounted on tree about 70% uphill.
- No safety gate
- First season with rope tow. Pattern of skiing changed from 100% touring to mostly tow hill skiing. Patronage of Meany approximately doubled.
- Dec 29(?) - Apr 29(?)
- Constructed 25'X 30' addition on East end of ski hut;
- 4 stories, basement, main floor, 2 dormitories floors in attic.
- Wood burning furnace in basement
- Kitchen moved to West end.
- Fuel is wood and Coal in furnace, coal in kitchen.
- Inside toilets and washing sinks in basement.
- Water supply line changed to enter via basement.
- Installed gasoline-generator and wiring for electric lights, discarded Coleman lanterns
- Put finish flooring and inside lining (i.e. paneling) in both new and old hut buildings
- Access to hut continues to be local NPRR passenger trains
- Some park at Rustic Inn, on Snoqualmie highway, and ski ~ 3 miles to hut.
- Low snow year, 36" max. "Lane" skiing poor because of logs and high stumps
- Extended "Mach" tow to new head pole at top of the "Lane". Vertical drop now ~340 ft
- Installed safety gate
- Another low snow year, 30" max.
- Started removing all logs from "Lane" and sawed stumps down flush with ground
- Constructed additional drying room in basement 10' X 10', by digging under original building.
- Continued to remove logs & stumps from "The Lane"
- Installed headpole on Mach at the top of the lane. Vertical now 380
- Installed new safety gate
- Rebuilt "Mach" tow machinery
- Replaced Fordson tractor driving system with Chevrolet engine/transmission and truck rear end
- for revolution gear - BRRH 97b, gear ratio 6:7
- For drive wheels used wood rims originally mounted on Fordson tractor drive wheels
- Boeing jig for base and truck rear end
- Constructed generator hut, Hut is 6' X 10' one story about 50' west of the lodge
- Relocatec motor generator from pantry to generator hut
- Easement granted to Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) for electric power transmission line across Meany property for $800. See Map for location
- New propane stove replaced 25 year old coal fire stove
- BPA logs off transmission line right-of-way, part on Meany property, part on USFS property
- BPA constructed 287 KV transmission line through cleared right-of-way
- Added variety to Meany skiing, south of "Mach".
- Christened "Lower Slobbovia" by Cram & Little - Resembled the mythical country in Al Capp's cartoon strip "L'll Abner"
- Power line contractor had destroyed the original dam and badly rebuilt it. Contractor paid Meany committee to rebuild it
- Began work to relocate and rebuild Mach tow -To gain better access to "Lower Slobbovia" and a better loading area at bottom of "Lane"
- Deepest snow so far at Meany - 15 feet at Lodge
- Complete relocation of "Mach" Tow
- New head pole moved 200' south and 30' higher
- New tow hut moved 150' north, 20' lower. Vertical now at 440', length 1,000'
- New tow hut is frame construction; basement floor, main floor and attic
- Chevy engine moved to new hut
- Safety gate wiring improved
- NPRR (now BNSR RR) discontinues passenger service after 31 years
- Bombardier snow tractor (i.e. Tom-cat) rented from Symington with option to purchase ($460/mo)
- If not adequate would return (Nada, it is still here !!!!)
- Snow tractor to haul skiers from Snoqualmie Pass Highway [I-90] to Meany ~ 3 miles
- Meany is accessible by automobile via highway overpass (exit 62) near Rustic Inn
- Cars park on overpass ramp
- Snow cat conveys rest of the way to Meany. Some skiers ride, but most are towed
February 16th
- Sno Cat hauled max load of 82 skiers today. Committee decided to exercised purchase option with Syminton ($5448)
- Constructed "Edifus Wreck" below RR track to Serve as gas station, drop off point
- Webmaster note: Parents if you kids complain about getting off at RR curve and having to walk up. Remind them that it use to be the norm and everyone had to pack up there equipment plus food.
- Puget Power [now Washington Energy] constructed power line up "North Slobbovia", under the impression that they were on the BPA easement - nope
- "Lane" bulldozed to improve approach to "Mach"
- Flood and mud slide wipe out USFS bridge over Stampede Pass.
- log bridge, suitable for Meany winter use, built by volunteers in a sunny weekend in fresh powder.
- In return for easement, power company, buried 7 KV line, bulldozed and sawed stumps
October 15th
- Constructed 600', 2.4 KV 60 Hz power line from Martin Station to Meany
- Generator now our emergency backup.
- Martin made automatic and all RR buildings removed
- Improved ski return trail from "Slobbovia" to "Mach"
- New Mach Tow rope purchased and installed - $440
- New tracks for Tom-cat - $1400.
- New type grousers
- endless belts composite of steel, cotton fabric and rubber. (Original tracks used 1961-64 seasons) This year much belt breakage and patching.
- Installed now high head pole
- Changed driver hub to truck type tapered nuts
- No change in vertical or length.
- Replace original cedar roof shingles with corrugated galvanized iron roofing
- Changed propane tanks from 400# to 200# size. Propane now used for kitchen stove only
- Widened access trail above NPRR tracks to permit vehicle access to lodge
- New footings under hut
- State highway dept (WaDOT) posted signs prohibiting ramp parking
- Purchased 1954 Dodge Power Wagon, 4X4 - $200, for use on property. Welded broken frame and ground valves. Renamed "Ox"
- WaDOT plowed parking space on road from exit 62 overpass toward Lake Kachees
- Added East end fire escape and warning system to Lodge.
- Replaced "Mach" engine with 1964 Chevrolet truck, (6 cyl, 231 ci).
- Replaced transmission with 4 speed B1180 13GM-T-3761930 with gear ratios 7.06, 3.58, 1.71, 0.00, Reverse 7.78
- Dickinson start snowmobile rental operation near Milwaukee RR Crossing (the Iron horse trail).
- Plows access road to his operation and parking for Meany - $200
- WaDOT plows parking area on Southeast corner of exit 62 overpass
- Dickinson ceases operation
- WaDOT again plows Southeast corner of exit 62 overpass
- Construct "Mach" midway tower
- Relocate safety gate wiring direct from new midway tower to tow hut on 3 new poles
- Revised idler pulley on main drive
- Tom-cat tracks begin to break and required patching
- New tracks, designed by Meany staff, made of conveyor rubber belting. Bastron Std. 315 Dacron 3 ply synthetic rubber.
- WaDOT discontinued snow removal from parking area
- Meany eked out by using road to Lake Kachess, with help from Rustic Inn.
- twice hired bulldozer from logger. Along with the usual Meany manual shoveling
- Installed new poly Dacron "Mach" rope (Plymouth I) on Feb 7. Later found defective.
- Plymouth replaces rope in March, no charge (Plymouth II).
- New idler in main drive, now 4 groves in driver an 5 in idler.
- New and larger bed installed on "Ox"
- WaDOT plowed parking Southeast corner of overpass. Funds provided by USFS
- Additional drying room dugout increasing space to 10 X 20
- New concrete floor in enlarged drying room.
- New chimney on furnace
- Added west end fire escape
- Added floor over women's dorm, for "family" dorm
- "Mach" Plymouth II rope still defective. Replaced with American mfg Co. SS-R-200 poly Dacron.
- Negotiations with Plymouth for settlement on defective rope failed, Club filed a lawsuit, settled out-of-court for $320
- Tom-cat taken to Seattle for rebuild
- Installed rebuilt Chevrolet 6, 292ci
- converted to 12 v DC system
- Installed Chevrolet 3 step hydromatic (automatic) transmission
- vertical radiator
- New engine box.
- later 2 crankshafts successively failed due to destruction of the thrust bearing. Failure was traced to the fact that the automatic transmission was developing end thrust on engine; engine bearings not designed for this load
- Reinstalled old Chrysler 252ci engine and manual transmission for 71-72 season.
- WaDOT plow SE corner of overpass; funds from WA State Parks
- NorthernPacific and Burlington railroads merged; new line called Burlington Northern (BNRR)
- Removed original drying room and added wood storage room.
- Previous basement wood storage space converted to additional drying room
- Water supply line replaced; 500' 1¼" black iron pipe to 2" plastic
- "New" engine+ for Tom-cat
- Rebuilt Chevrolet 6 cyl 292ci engine and 4 speed manual transmission
- New ring gear and bearings in steering differential
- Lodge received new sink, cold water only in basement
- Added air actuated brake in "Mach's" main drive idler pulley to ensure stoppage of rope when safety gate opens.
- Replaced 19" top pulley on head pole with 34" diameter
- Overhauled Tom-cat's running gear, tires and bearings.
- Completed New rope tow
- About halfway up "Lane". Vertical drop 160', length 450'.
- Christened Very slow rope for beginners (i.e. Worm)
- Electric motor + spare parts cost ~ $300
- Rebuilt water supply dam in Tombstone Creek
- Replaced rest of 1¼" black iron pipe with 2" plastic; water line is now 500' of 2" galvanized and 1132' of 2" plastic
- Moved propane tanks to generator hut
- Erected "Mach" quarter pole halfway between tow hut and midway
- New quarter pole has halyards and hooks to help raise tow ropes
- Worms 7.5 HP electric motor converted to enable 3 phase motor to run on 1 phase supply
- Completed Tom-cat overhaul of tracks and bearings. New tires on rear wheels
- Approximate completion dates of clearing of "Railroad Meadows" and "Psychopath".
- WA State Parks considers moving Sno-Park from exit 62 to Price creek. Meany protests
- WA state legislature creates Sno-Park system
- New sink and water in dorms
- New sink/counter in dish washing area
- Overhauled "Mach" engine, new camshaft, ground valve.
- New counter weight located in Tow hut
- Revised "Worm" winch and take-up at head pole (a tree)
- Bridge across top of safety gate pole with a carrier pulley for rope return
- Flood washes out log bridge over Stampede creek. Replaced by emergency work party. Snow, Rain, Mud--Volunteer labor prevails again.
- WA State Parks locates sno-park in SE corner of exit 62 overpass
- State will plow ramp and road to Crystal Spring Campground (~ 0.4 mi)
- Meany protests in vain against the road plowing
Jan 20th-23rd
- Tom-Cat Engine failure
- Sunday outbound trip
- Broke a connecting-rod in engine at Yakima River
- Sent out Skiers to get any extra oil they had in there cars
- Bad weather conditions (3/4" sleet, crust, rain) and a late start contributed
- Broken connecting-rod at crank which then breached oil pan, dumped oil.
- Use sanitary napkins to plug hole in pan
- used rope to restrain failed rod thus driving with only 5 cylinders
- Used 16 qts. of oil, managed to get Tom-cat to overpass by 8:30 pm
- Tom happened to have a spare block at home
- Meanyites met at Tom's house on Monday and came up with parts list
- On Tuesday Tom & Bob Grass assembled Engine
- Starting on Wednesday at 8 am the crew dropped old engine and installed new by 6 pm
- Second crew started at 6 pm and completed the installation and had Tom-cat running by 10 pm
- New roof, driving axles and muffler for Tom-cat
- Graded around Lodge, particular the "Industrial Area"
- Eliminated rubbish dump over bank at East end
- Made holding bins for cans and glass at generator hut
- Installed bearings on exterior ends of Tom-Cat driving sprocket axles to save wear on interior spline ends
- Replaced "Mach" 4 speed truck transmission
- Replace all halyards, Improve safety gate
- Sno-Park is still at exit 62 overpass
- Purchased Thiokol Sprite (Dino ??) w/highway trailer at GSA auction for $4000
- Sold trailer for $1200
- Installed governor on engine, Ford Industrial 170ci, 4 cyl
- Constructed roller of galvanized iron, 30" diameter; 10' wide for packing snow on "lane"
- New "Mach" air compressor for operations of pneumatic brake on idler in main drive
- Added shut-offs for cooling fluid overheat and "low engine oil pressure"
- Added new outside stop switch at bottom of loading area
- Bombardier Sno-Cat rechristen "Tom-cat" in honor of Tom VanDeVanter Jr. Also to distinguish it from "Pack Rat".
- Added over speed governor
- Constructed 14' X 17' concrete slab to facilitate maintenance
- Flood washes out the log bridge over Stampede Creek (again), filled culvert at Weasel Creek.
- Work parties on successive weekends, in horrible working conditions, resulted in repairs adequate for winter.
- Same storm washed out Railroad tracks. Trains did not run until 1978
- Sno-park continues at SE corner of exit 62 overpass
Jan 23rd-24th
- Bolt on Tom-cat's forward left-hand bogie set failed. Repaired overnight with new and stronger one
- Improved plumbing and shut-off valves where supply line enters Lodge (basement under hatch in men's toilet)
- 8 burner, 1 grill and 2 oven, commercial style stove installed.
Sept 23rd & 24th
- 50th Anniversary Party
- Added electric water heater: existing propane fueled water heater insufficient capacity
- New locks, bars and road gate all around to deter potential thieves
- Install 2 underground 500 gal gas tanks to replace barrel storage; w/pump and plumbing
- New motor on compressor for air brake. New rings and ground valves in tow engine
- Power disruption
- Connection to BNRR interrupted by falling trees. Connection restored temporarily
- BNRR advises their power line over Stampede Pass is to be abandoned
- Constructed new shop building, christened "Cat House", 12' X 12' 1st floor, 2nd floor and attic. Move all tools and hardware from lodge basement
- Install new "Mach" tow rope. Last one installed March 1971, ~ 9½ years use
- Old rope still usable on "Worm"
- Replaced rubber track belts, some grousers on Tom-cat
- Old belts installed in 1969 ~11 years
- Belt Material is Goodyear Plylon 3150 synthetic rubber. 3 nylon plies. Rated strength is 315 psi per width
- Replace rubber track belts on Pack Rat
- Opened only for 3 weekends during ski season - snow deficient
- Meany's Power Transmission system
- Constructed system to connect Meany's system to Puget Sound Power (Now Washington Energy)
- Line is on south side of property. ~500 ft;
- Transformers convert supply from 7 Kv to 2.4 Kv. Meter at point of tie-in to supply line
- BNRR revised trackage at east end of tunnel
- Substituted one track for existing three and lengthened radius of curvature
- Sno-Park ticket price now $7.50 per season
- Converted ex-shop in Lodge basement to First Aid room and drying room
- New concrete slab 16' X 20' to facilitate maintenance on Pack-rat
- Realigned "Mach" 4" X 4" steel track on front of tow hut
- Added 7' X 8' lean-to on North corner of tow hut for gas pump station and line hardware storage
- Constructed wheelways in basement of tow hut for winter storage of "Ox"
- Repaired brakes on "Ox"
- Tom-cat maintenance
- Overhauled engine
- Replaced track bolts
- Repaired running gear, particularly front bogies
- Removed and serviced "Pack-rat" differential and rear axles
- Graded area on North side of Lodge to get more flat area, - New picnic area
- Revised interior of "Mach" Tow Hut
- Installed New Radiator on "Pack-rat"
- Usage of Radio equipment for internal communications started
- Phone company check equipment/line and reestablish telephone service
- Improved crossing over Tombstone canyon.
- Road from railroad to lodge was widened, straightened, and graded.
- Tow engine rebuilt.
- Sno-Park move to Price Creek
- Private parking lot establish
- Sons of Norway (Trollhagen) and Meany obtain USFS permit for lot near exit 62 overpass
- Meany provided steel gate, Sons of Norway did needed grading
- Snow removal by hired bulldozer. Cost for same divided
- Woodshed added to North side of Lodge basement 8' X 24'
- Previous basement wood room converted to additional drying space
- Men's dorm improved
- Rebuilt bunks
- Moved doorway
- New sinks and hot water supply
- Donated carpet laid in all dorms
- Installed Fire control sprinkler system in Lodge basement
- Moved stairway to third floor
- Sons of Norway improved grading of parking lot entrance
- Rewired all Lodge basement electric circuits all of which were overloaded
- Installed new electric control panels and switches in pantry
- Power supply to Cathouse put underground
- Replace inadequate front porch on East side with combined fire escape, front entrance and, basement entrance/tunnel/ski room.
- Forest fire at south end of Lake Keechelus burns to Meadow Creek (2.5 mi from Meany)
- Small fire NW of Lodge across Martin Creek, was put out by Meany people
- BNRR discontinues usage of Stampede tunnel
- Telephone line over Stampede Pass deteriorated; abandoned
- Constructed new line through tunnel; connecting with phone Company at Tunnel's west end.
- Fire prevention sprinkler installed in kitchen and near chimney
- Added dead end hardware on trees supporting power line between lodge and tows
- Upgraded 5 KVA to 25 KVA transformer
- Disconnects added at "Mach" Tow Power pole
- Removed dangerous trees near lodge
- Trash cleaned from areas near lodge to aid in stopping a ground fire
- Constructed "Mach" control tower (tow operators sit and watch) as required by insurance policy and lift safety codes
- Begun Grading and Clearing land for short, tow, just east of "Mach" for beginners.
- Direct dial telephone system connects lodge, tow hut, cat house and top of the ski hill
- Ski hill lights rewired
- Revised Lodge kitchen
- Added fire prevention sheeting to walls
- Revised plumbing
- Moved range from west wall to south wall
- Moved hot water tanks to under counter
- New rope tow replacing "Worm" tow - Vertical 160', length 510'
- Parts donated by Crystal Mt. Ski area.
- Electric motor; 20 HP.
- Goes faster, carries more people. Medium speed. Christened "Super Worm"
- Beginners rope tow installed - Vertical 30', length 190'
- Made with parts donated by Crystal and salvaged from Worm tow.
- Electric motor 7.5 HP; very slow.
- Christened "Turtle"
- Fire destroyed portal structure/snow shed at East end of tunnel.
- Meany telephone wire destroyed. 500' RR tracks damaged/destroyed.
- Public fire prevention groups (?) extinguished fire
- Cleared area for winter road to bypass bridge site on Mosquito Creek
- Rebuilt damaged phone line
- Replaced "Ox" frame with a wrecked truck frame in Othello plus much maintenance
- Sno-Park move from Price Creek to Crystal springs rock pit (current site)
- Meany will use this and will terminate use of private lot near overpass
- Constructed new 4000 gallon septic and 400 Lineal ft of drain pipe
- Constructed new gasoline storage station near cathouse
- Refurbished Telephone cabin
- Fire (again ?) burned portal structure and fan house at tunnel
- Fire also destroy Meany phone line 1500'of telephone wire destroyed
- Phone Company replaces line, restores service
- New code restrictions restrictions required Meany to dig up the 2 buried 500 gallon gasoline tanks used by "Mach"
- Cleaned, painted and reinstalled in two locations, one near cathouse, one near tow hut
- Each station is a 10' X 10' concrete block building, complete with wiring, plumbing and pump
Christmas Week
- Skiing lane only - so little snow; foot serpentine by lodge at midnight
- Bonfire by lodge
- Many drove to Railroad tracks, or delivered by 4-wheel drive
January 6th - 7th
- Phil Christy Cooked, Art Nation and Lyle Schaeffer played. Norm Vigus Sister visited
- Still little snow, still able to drive up hill from new parking lot
- Ski Lessons on Lane - Lane skiing only
January 13th - 14th
- 14" of new snow - Good Sugar Snow
- Park in new Park & Ride lot, by Gravel Pit
- Don Finrow teaches Teton Mountain Stomp and Atlantic Mixer; Capacity Crowd
January 20th - 21st
- Light dusting of snow only this past week; 77 guests
- Few bare spots on road out from Meany - Hard Snow - To hard on Saturday - not bad on Sunday
January 27th - 28th
- Running on auxiliary generator
- Lots of new snow - Parking lot under several feet of snow - VW had a foot of snow on top
- Chains needed on Snoqualmie Pass - 2 vehicles, in Parking lot, wouldn't start.
- Snoqualmie Pass was closed, reopened at 5:30 pm Sunday
- Ruth Jewel was taken back to Issaquah
- Pack-rat (Thiokol Sno-Tractor) broke axel; Tom-cat (bombardier Sno-Cat) broke drive shaft
- Meany Closed until repairs are completed
- Work Parties for repairs at Tom house on Monday & Wednesday
February 3rd - 4th
- Tom fell off road on way to tow hut - needed help
- XXXXXXXX tow motor needs replacing
- Loosen Track, took off drive sprocket, removed housings
- Left side drive axel on Thiokol also broken
- Differential Steering Gears were broken, installed rebuilt differential
- Worked on Bombardier at Trollhagen till 1 am Sunday, then Sunday till 2:30 pm
- 16(?) up to work on bombardier
- Richard, Bob Skeens, Mike & Patrick, Al, Idona, Norm, Dave, Barbara
- Phil Christy, Lary, Christina, Vivian, Bill, Bob & Idona
- Mike worked on tow with Phil
- Saturday & Sunday Slept at Meany
- Light snow - Strung up tarps
- Mike worked on Lines
- All meals on Barbara's camp stove at Trollhagen except for breakfast
- Snow Max broke on railroad Grade.
- Bob and I left from Trollhagen
- Idona cooked
- Repair Work on Tom-cat, Pack-rat, tows
February 10th - 11th
- Heavy Snow - Avalanche danger
- Snoqualmie Pass closed Fri night and Saturday, Opened on Sunday morning at 5 a.m.
- We met at Issaquah at 8 am,
- Idona & Bob, Ray Nelson, Richard, Patty & Dave, Tom & Bobby, Jim Baker, Ralph
- Bob & Richard worked an Thiokol, Bobbie and Tom worked on Tow
- Jim & Ralph did lots of shoveling around lodge
- Idona cooked & Patti helped
- All dug out SuperWorm rope & raised(?)
- Tom fell in rut(?) with Cat
- Continued Repair Work on Tom-cat and Pack-rat
February 17th - 19th
- President Weekend - 20 people in Friday night
- Phil came in on Friday and got things running and warmed up
- Guys worked on Thiokol & Sno-Max till 1:30 am Saturday morning
- Saturday breakfast at 7:30 am and finished Thiokol and Sno-Max
- Finished digging out tows, (Mach covered with 5' of snow; top to bottom)
- 11:30 am Drag welded back together by Bob
- Main fuse blown on Tows - Too many people on SuperWorm & Slug - Bobby & Paul fixed power
- Mach down for an hour while splicing rope
- lunch early as stoppage of tows disrupted classes - classes ran extra long in afternoon
- Good Skiing - Soft deep powder
- SuperWorm motor which burned up and replaced was finally made to work
- SuperWorm rope was changed because it was frayed
- New Safety Gate made for Mach Tow
- Difficult trips in because of fine deep powder snow
- Most trips people walked up hill
- Sometimes pushing Bombardier - other tractor also help boost Bombardier uphill
- Sno-Max did a lot of work filling in at least 4 huge crevasses on road into Meany
- Helped out drag(?) stuck vertically at least 5' under ice
- All equipment finally running & everyone enjoying good skiing - 15deg & powder
- Don Finrow cooked
March 17th - 18th
- Larry & Janice Gockel cooked (?)
- 1st MOFA class held at Meany
Spring May 5th
- Meany Ski Hut Spring Party: Maltby Community Center - Featuring Lyle Schaefer & Art Nation
- Potluck Dinner: 6 p.m
- Dancing: 8 - Midnight
May 19th - 20th
- 2nd MOFA class held at Meany
July 14th - 15th
- Telephone line vandalized (again)-Pacific NW Bell redid line
- Continued vandalism of phone line solved withPacific NW Bell's help
- Chopped firewood
- Painted
- "Brushed" North & South
- Cleared brush on downhill slopes
- Improving & Marking Cross-Country ski trails
- Preventative maintenance of tows and snowcats
- Medium Tow - replaced motor and redid electrical wires
- New rope strung on Worm Tow
August 12th
- Annual Meany Family Picnic - Ray & Phyllis' house
- Recognizing Tom's contributions to Meany for over 30 years
- Driving Sno-Cat most weekend - Renamed Tom-cat
September 8th - 9th
- Dr Mike Konecny - "Studying and Photographing animals in the Galapagos Islands"
- Marking and improving Cross Country Ski Trails
- Working on downhill Ski areas
- chopping firewood
- New log bridge had to be built at Stampede Creek Crossing. Some logs were salvageable from wash-out old bridge & new logs had to be dragged by Tom-cat from Meany property to complete the bridge.
- #2 Pipe Creek Clogged up - Washed out Roadway - Meany gang repositioned washed out Culverts
- Filled in roadbed to divert water back through culvert pipes. Required transporting front loader from Seattle to parking lot and then driving it 1&fract12; miles to washout spot
- Snow and extremely heavy rainfall caused many washouts on FS 54 and 420 roads
- Forest Service working on FS 54 road to make it passable to caught logging equipment above washouts - Meany had to fix FS 420 road without help
September 22nd - 23rd
- Terry Prichard - Slide show - "Sea Kayaking in Costa Rica"
- Barbecue - Salmon or Chicken
September 29th - 30th
- MOFA Refresher Course + CPR (25 students)
October 6th - 7th
- Auction of ski items - yard sale featuring ski equipment
October 13th - 14th
- Meany Mushroom weekend - Naturalist Mushroom hunt
- Coleman Leuthy - Stalking the Wild Mushroom"
October 20th - 21st
- Liz Northrup - "Summer Backpacking trip through Africa
November 3rd - 4th
- Steak grilled over wooden coals
Dec 26th - 31st
- Beginning of Ski Season
January 5th - 6th
- Lyle Schaefer & Art Nation Folkdancing
- Snowboard on drag fixed
- Tanya cooked
January 12th - 13th
- 60 Boy Scouts came in on Friday night, planning to leave Saturday afternoon
- Pass closed Saturday & Sunday
- Boy Scout leaders cooked
- Tom and Committee members that came up Friday night were only ones who made it up
- No one else made it to Meany
- Tom & Scouts drove via Stevens Pass to get Scouts home, Pass opened by the time they got home
January 19th - 21th
- Popcorn Balls & folkdancing w/lessons
- Worked on blade mounting bracket of the drag - got snagged; Needed to straighten the welded
- Saturday evening was game night
- Anna & Jim's car wouldn't stay running
- Dick Georgene towed it to summit
- Had it towed from summit to Seattle
January 26th - 27th
- Tom out of town - Ray drove Sno-Cat
- Mike Lonergan ran Tows (Weber ill)
- Don Finrow cooked
- Bob and Idona made homemade ice cream
- Catchup class for Downhill Skiing
February 2nd - 3rd
- Joe Noyes - Cat Driver
- Tanya cooked
- Taffy pull & Folkdance Lessons - Linda Bascarine made taffy - went over really well
- Downhill, Cross-Country & Telemark Ski Lessons
February 9th - 10th
- Joe Noyes - Cat Driver
- Mountaineers Players present "Mixed Doubles" - Comedy play
- Decorate your own cupcakes - Len in charge of frosting
- Tanya cooked
- Joe welded exhaust pipe bracket on Sno-cat
February 16th - 18th
- Friday night - Bob & Idona's homemade ice cream/refresher bridge
- Tanya cooked all weekend
- Saturday - Creative Cartoons
February 23rd - 24th
- Saturday Video's "World on Skis" & "Snowboarding"
- Don Finrow cooked
March 2nd - 3rd
- Saturday - Telemark clinic
- Saturday night - Sing along w/Janice Hildman Gockel
- Tonya cooked
March 9th - 10th
- Catherine Cunningham cooked
- "Iron Goat Trail" presented by Ruth Ittner
March 16th - 17th
- "Crusing the Volga" presented by Jan Waugh
- Tanya cooked
March 23rd - 24th
- Catherine Cunningham cooked
- Niger West Africa w/Phil Christy
March 30rd - 31th
- Meany closed for Easter
- Norm, Deb & volunteers primed and painted the Women's
- Purchased used snow vehicle, christened "Moose"
- Dave put in new foundation for tunnel (under the front porch) east wall
- Phil and James built and installed new bunks in Women's dorm
- Due to lateness of tracks arriving, extra work party required to assemble/install tracks
- To see a pictoral account of the arrival of Moose and track installation, click on
January 9th - 11th
- Meany Closure this weekend
- Warm weather & rain caused massive washout under Railroad tracks
- Martin Creek flooded and washed out culvert near skiers pickup point
- Stampede Creek flooded and washed out FS 54
- Other creeks overflowed banks washing out snow on FR 420
- Work party arrived Saturday morning and repaired most wash outs
- No damage to lodge
- For pictorial account click on
2009 Winter Storm
January 16th - 18th
- Tom-cat slides off tracks on railroad curve
- With the help of come-alongs, a jack and Moose, Tom-cat was place back "on track"
- Tom-cat exhaust pipe came off, repaired
July 16th - 19th
- Installed drainage field on the North side of Lodge to stop water leakage into first aid room
- Took off covering on furnace and inspected it
- Repaired water supply dam
- Split wood
- Dug trench and place conduit for phone/power to tows
2019 - Due to demands by Kittitas Health Department, a new well was installed. A pump house was constructed above it to allow service and maintenance during the winter.