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CEO Update: Organizational Realignment & Hiring Plan

As organizations grow and evolve, it’s common to redesign roles and org structures to better support the communities they serve. With the development of our new strategic plan, Adventure With Purpose, we feel that now is the right time to realign our staff organizational structure.  Read more…

Did You Know? Petrichor

Winter is mostly gone. The ground is thawing. You watch as sunshine comes, then goes and dark clouds rumble in the distance. As the clouds move closer, the air changes and you smell the earth. The scent is sweet and almost savory, like honeysuckle flavored olive oil or carrot flavored cake. Breathe it in. Remember, as a child, playing in the rain? Breathe it out. It didn’t matter how wet you were, you kept playing as the earth reminded you it was spring with that delicate, thick, familiar scent: petrichor. Read more…

Advocacy 101: Best Practices for Engaging with Lawmakers

You don’t have to be a skilled lobbyist or an expert advocate to make a difference for the lands you love. As someone who cares deeply about the outdoors, you’re well positioned to be an effective advocate - it just takes a little time and training. That’s where our recently-launched Advocacy 101 eLearning course comes in. Through Advocacy 101, you’ll learn the basics of advocacy and best practices for advocating for important conservation and recreation initiatives by engaging with lawmakers and land managers.
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Introducing Relaxed Pace Trips - Foothills Backpacking Committee

The Foothills Backpacking Committee has an amazing community of leaders whose passion is to share their love of the outdoors and build community at the same time. In an effort to answer the call for more relaxed paced trips, our committee has launched an initiative for members who are looking for just these kinds of trips. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Jolie Dunn

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Action Alert! Thank Lawmakers for Prioritizing Public Lands in the 2024 State Budget

State-managed public lands like Blanchard Mountain, Mount Si, and Tieton’s Royal Columns connect us to nature through the recreational activities we enjoy in all seasons. With Mountaineers programs and activities frequently occurring on state lands, each legislative session we advocate for priority bills and funding requests that improve conservation and recreation at the state level.
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Bucket list adventure: Hike the Camino Frances to Santiago and the Galician Coast in Spain

The Camino Frances is the most popular and well-traveled route of the Camino de Santiago passing through variety of terrains, including mountainous regions, rolling hills, and flat plains, as well as urban and rural settings, historic towns, and charming villages.  Read more…

Tying In | Spring 2024 Leadership Update

About a year ago, we unveiled our recently-updated strategic plan, Adventure with Purpose. We have shared the implementation plan details and progress toward our goals with our community in various ways, including at our Annual Meeting, at the State of the Organization presentation, and through blog posts. We’ve also been doing Adventure with Purpose updates at each of our board meetings, highlighting one of our three strategic priorities: Lead Innovation in Outdoor Education, Engage a Vibrant Community of Outdoor Enthusiasts, and Advocate on Behalf of the Natural World. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Jason Naranjo

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Booksmarks | Alpine Rising

On the morning of January 15, Mingma G, Mingma David, Mingma Tenzi, and Sona began fixing lines up toward Camp 4. Read more…

Make Conservation Part of Your Mountaineers Experience With These eLearning Courses

ELearning plays a critical role in our community's efforts to teach and learn outdoor skills and build a shared culture of conservation. Three conservation-focused offerings on our eLearning management system, Coassemble, are some of the many ways we educate Mountaineers about conservation and cultivate stewards and advocates for the places we cherish.
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Mountaineer Magazine Spring 2024

Enjoy access to our quarterly Mountaineer magazine, keeping you up-to-date with everything our organization and community have been up to. Hear from regular contributors on topics from training exercises to trail tips, and read features from our members sharing stories from the outdoors. We encourage you to access all of our updates, stories, tips, and more in the tree free online magazine today. Read more…

Top 10 Trip Reports - February 2024

A collection of trip reports that gives us much more than we bargained for. Read on, dear friends, for a tale of two trips, professional pizza chomping, a handsomely warm ascent, and a skosh too little snow.   Read more…

Lessons and Gear Tips for Beginner Skiers

I’ve always been a physically active person. I love hiking and camping, and can withstand extreme heat and cold rain. Snow sports, on the other hand, were an entirely different game. I had friends who skied, but often tuned out when they talked about skiing because I didn’t understand the jargon. Read more…

Learn How to Plan a Lightweight and Tasty Backpack Menu - Apr 9

It was day nine of an 11-day trip on the John Muir Trail when I hit a wall. I had packed too many bulky carbs and not enough calories in my bear can. At the time, this was the longest backpacking trip I had done. My spouse and I were able to make our “gorp” last until we were rescued from our plight by my sister who carried in our resupply, just in time. Enduring such slim pickings and operating on so few calories was a mentally exhausting and horribly demoralizing experience.  Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Rue Mapp

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Adventure Speaker Series: Nigel Foster - Iceland by Kayak, March 6

In 1977, Nigel Foster and Geoff Hunter set off on a shoestring adventure to explore a country of just 222,000 people. Hear the story of the First Circumnavigation of Iceland by Kayak, and how such an expedition came about in those days before dry suits, cellphones, hand-held waterproof VHF radios, GPS, or the World Wide Web. That’s before the home computer, and twenty years before Google came onto the scene.  Read more…

Outside Insights | The Return of The Mountaineers Leadership Conference

As part of The Mountaineers leadership development team, I have the privilege of supporting our impressive collective of 3000+ volunteers. The dedication of our volunteers is incredible, to say the least. The list of their contributions to our community and the greater outdoors has grown significantly over our 117-year history. From planning and guiding activities, to mentoring new Mountaineers, to managing our lodges, it’s clear that our volunteers are generous with their time. While they share a common passion for the outdoors, our volunteers are driven by a range of motivations, such as paying it forward or expanding their adventure partner network. Our leadership development programs enhance these intrinsic rewards and invest back into our volunteers. Read more…

We're going to print! Last chance to get your name in “Freedom 10”

Books give power to our personal stories. Whether you want to discover a new place, learn a new skill, make a lifestyle change, or feel a sense of connection with the natural world or a fellow adventurer, Mountaineers Books are there to educate and inspire.  Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Otto Greule

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Get in Shape for Backpacking With Pro Trekking Trainer Sheri Goodwin

It works great for many people to strap on a loaded pack and hike to get in shape for the upcoming season. However, for some – including many beginners – without a bit more structure and guidance, this approach can run the risk of injury, discouragement, and ultimately, slower progress than you had hoped for. What if you could develop a tailored strength-and-conditioning training plan aimed at reaching your trail goals safely and efficiently, with a progression of exercises and training activities? And what if you could build it with the guidance of a professional physical trainer who specializes in helping people get ready for life-list treks and backpacks? Read more…

BeWild: "Alpine Rising" - Bernadette McDonald, March 14

 The Mountaineers BeWild Speaker Series puts passion and adventure on center stage. Join us at BeWild with Bernadette McDonald on March 14 to learn more about the history and legacy of mountaineering in the Greater Ranges. Read more…

Impact Giving | Advocacy Training for Outdoor Enthusiasts

Mountaineers programs have always been infused with a conservation ethos. “Mountaineers don’t just love being outside, we love the outdoors itself,” wrote Betsy Robblee, Conservation & Advocacy Director at The Mountaineers. “We want to share the natural world with others and take action to protect the outdoor experience for future generations.” Read more…

Learn How to Sail In Seattle's Basic Crew & Sailing Course

During the first student training sail of the 2023 Seattle Mountaineers Sailing Course, an orca decided to put on a show just north of Shilshole Bay Marina. The orca performed a “spy hop” to check out its surroundings. Students were thrilled! Read more…

Trail Talk | Accepting Change in Life and on the Trail

The only thing constant in life is change. You can never go home again. All things must pass. These thoughts continuously run through my mind as I progress further along my life journey. I’ve always had a strong sense of time and place, which leaves me melancholically longing for the past and lamenting the passing of moments which I perceive as being more favorable than the present. The world is changing rapidly, and often not in ways I welcome. Constant change can be exciting or, if you’re wired like me, a source of anxiety. To counter the barrage of forces I can’t control, I often seek the solace of wilderness, where I expect insulation from the rapid transformations of the outside world. Read more…

Keta Legacy Foundation, The Mountaineers Reach Settlement in Ongoing Litigation

Keta Legacy Foundation and The Mountaineers are happy to share the good news that we have reached a settlement agreement to resolve a legal dispute between the two organizations, dating back to November 2019. The settlement agreement allows both organizations to move past this dispute, focus on our respective missions, and get back to working together on shared goals at our adjacent properties in Kitsap County. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Simon Hove

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

The Winter Solace of Birds

It was early February 2021, and Seattle had been darkened by overcast and rainy skies for weeks. Even worse, we were eleven months into the pandemic, and I was feeling isolated. Birds in my yard had been my only physical companions throughout Covid. Other than my two sisters I’d visited in Pennsylvania, I’d not been hugged or, for that matter, even had a handshake since the previous March. I generally don’t mind solitude, but that degree of isolation felt far different. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Burns Petersen

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

First Ever Tacoma Leadership Conference – March 23

Nearly 200 current and aspiring volunteers turned out at our Seattle Leadership Conference on December 2 for a dynamic day of learning and networking. Outdoor professionals from diverse backgrounds led our community through a series of interactive sessions exploring leadership from multiple angles. Read more…