The Foothills Backpacking Committee has an amazing community of leaders whose passion is to share their love of the outdoors and build community at the same time. In an effort to answer the call for more relaxed paced trips, our committee has launched an initiative for members who are looking for just these kinds of trips.
What is a relaxed pace?
This is hard to define because it depends on what the leader considers relaxed, and we don’t want to standardize it because one pace does not fit all.
Does relaxed pace mean an easy trip?
No. This effort is specifically about pace, although a relaxed pace can go hand-in-hand with easier trips. A trip that’s at a slower pace might still have considerable distance, elevation gain, or terrain challenges. Participants are encouraged to reach out to the trip leader for clarifications and to get on the same page.
How can you find a relaxed pace trip?
- Navigate to The Mountaineers Find Activities webpage and type "relaxed pace" in the search bar. Filter for backpacking activities with the Foothills Branch.
- The posting summary for desired trips will have "relaxed pace" within the trip description.
- Leader notes will be specific in defining what a "relaxed pace" means to that leader so members can determine if styles align.
- Each relaxed pace backpack posting will be tagged with #relaxed pace so members can easily search for them on the website.
Will relaxed pace trips make a difference?
They can! Small efforts develop into big impacts over time. Relaxed pace trips will have an impact by fostering a more inclusive backpacking culture.
Why don’t I see more of these trips on the website?
We just started this initiative, and it might take time for the initiative to catch on. Not all leaders will offer these trips; however, if you love backpacking and want to see easier and/or more relaxed pace trips, consider becoming a leader! Then you can lead the type of backpacking trips you enjoy with like-minded people. The Foothills Backpacking Committee is here to walk you through the process, provide mentorship, and help you achieve success in that journey. Your pace and your style IS welcome!
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Great idea

This is an awesome initiative and makes me happy to see. I hope they apply this to scrambling too (& climbing trips!).