Global Adventures Forms and Templates

Global Adventures (GA) proposals are reviewed and approved in two stages. First, a Preliminary Proposal is submitted to the GA Committee chair for first round approval. Upon approval, then a Detailed Proposal - also submitted to the GA Committee chair - is reviewed and approved. The forms contained here are templates and examples of the various documents required at the two stages.
Preliminary Proposal

Preliminary Proposal

Your Preliminary Proposal contains two parts: (1) a Preliminary Description (which includes a concise overview of your proposed trip as well as a risk assessment for your proposed trip) and (2) an analysis of your trip's difficulty and Time-to-Medical-Care.

Detailed Proposal

Detailed Proposal

Your Detailed Proposal contains two parts: (1) a detailed description (which is used for your trip's website listing) and (2) a detailed budget (which is used for estimating your trip's income and expenses).

Trip Planning and Accounting Form Templates

Trip Planning and Accounting Form Templates

Includes accounting forms, volunteer driver affidavit, and safety management plan.