Olympia Branch Blog Posts

Olympia Branch Blog Posts

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Take our 2025 Member & Volunteer Survey

We are excited to announce the launch of our biannual all member survey. Your responses help staff and leadership understand the needs of our community and learn where we need to prioritize resources. We are eager to check in about your experience as Mountaineers members and leaders and look toward the future together. Read more…

Top 5 Trip Reports - January 2025

Mountaineers started 2025 strong. (The bout of January sunshine sure didn't hurt.) Read on, dear friends, for a spilt pee bottle, the red-breasted sapsucker, Jupiter, dramatic contrast, and more.  Read more…

Fiscal Year 2024 Recap

The Mountaineers is an incredible community of outdoor enthusiasts, students, instructors, advocates, and leaders. We are inspired by our community’s dedication to fostering connections to the outdoors. As we close the door on 2024 and continue into 2025, we reflect on the core of our mission: to connect people to the natural world and to each other. Take a look back on our collective achievements and how our strategic goals of Lead, Engage, and Advocate guided us this past fiscal year (October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024).  Read more…

Naturalist Seminar - The Unique Features of Mt. Ellinor, Feb 19 2025

Mount Ellinor supports a variety of habitat types with a diverse assemblage of plant communities and species, including an array of species endemic to the Olympic Mountains. Dave and Joanne Schuett-Hames are biologists with backgrounds in salmonid habitat, conservation biology, and plant ecology. They've hiked and backpacked extensively in the Olympic Mountains, and worked as volunteers with Olympic National Park as Wilderness Rangers doing surveys for the Olympic Marmot monitoring project. Their botanical interests on Mt. Ellinor include developing and maintaining plant lists for the Mt. Ellinor trail network on the WNPS website, collecting specimens for the Burke Herbarium, and assisting with the Rare Care plant monitoring program. Read more…

What a New Congress and New Administration Mean for the Outdoors

At The Mountaineers, we believe the outdoors can be a source of healing and unity - a place where we can all come together to find joy and connection in the natural world. Despite big changes with the makeup of Congress and the administration that will have big policy implications, we believe the outdoors is a bipartisan issue. Time and time again, we’ve been able to secure wins for the outdoors no matter who is in power in the other Washington, and we’ll continue to elevate our community’s voices and values to lawmakers in 2025 and beyond. Read more…

Adventure Speaker Series: Jon and Sharon Hubbell - A Year in Australia

Jon and Sharon spent 12 months traveling 18,000 miles in Australia. Their adventure included driving “on the wrong side of the road” in their Aussie RV. They will share favorite places from east to west around the circumference and north to south through the red center of the continent. Read more…

Advocate for Public Lands and Recreation in Olympia This Legislative Session

If you've sea kayaked in Deception Pass, climbed the Royal Columns at Tieton, or hiked Blanchard Mountain, you know how important state-managed lands are for Mountaineers programs. Amid growing visitation to Washington’s state parks, wildlife areas, and Department of Natural Resources lands, state agencies need more resources to sustainably manage increased use, mitigate climate change impacts, and better protect natural and cultural resources. Read more…

Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival World Tour 2024-25

In 1976, a tight-knit group of climbers and outdoor enthusiasts conceived The Banff Festival of Mountaineering Films. This was a one-day gathering that became the renowned international festival it is today. Read more…

Make Conservation Part of your New Years Resolutions with our Conservation Courses

eLearning plays an important role in our community's efforts to teach and learn outdoor skills and build a shared culture of conservation. Think of our three conservation eLearning courses as the 11th essential for your outdoor experience. Low impact Recreation, Public Lands 101, and Advocacy 101 will give you the tools you need to tread lightly on the landscape, understand how different types of federal public lands are managed, and advocate to protect public lands and the outdoor experience.  Read more…

Leave No Trace in Wintertime

Are you familiar with Leave No Trace? These tips are more than just picking up trash. In fact, the seven principles of Leave No Trace offer a framework for making decisions as you recreate outside. Leave No Trace's seven principles help guide you toward choices that have a lighter impact on the outdoors.  Given how many folks are outside recreating on our shared public lands, the cumulative effect of our efforts to be good stewards can be tremendous! Read more…

Wilderness Climbing Protected in National Parks

On Wednesday, the National Park Service (NPS) announced that it’s discontinuing development of its proposal to restrict the use of fixed anchors in Wilderness. This is a huge victory for the climbing community. If enacted, the policy would have prohibited the use of new and existing bolts, slings, and pitons in Wilderness areas, upending decades of precedent and compromising safe and reliable access to iconic Washington summits like Unicorn Peak and Mt. Shuksan.  Read more…

Victory! EXPLORE Act Passes Congress

We’re excited to share that in the final days of the 118th Congress, lawmakers came together in bipartisan fashion to pass the EXPLORE Act and send it to the President’s desk to become law. The legislation is a first-of-its-kind package of bills to improve recreation and increase and enhance outdoor access on federal public lands.
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Fall Conservation Policy Update & Advocacy Workshop Recap

Note: the Take Action section  of this blog has been updated to reflect legislative developments for the EXPLORE Act and a public lands package.

To continue growing a community of Mountaineers who adventure with purpose as outdoor advocates, our conservation team connected with Advocacy 101 course graduates and other conservation-minded Mountaineers virtually on Nov 20. As more Mountaineers seek new opportunities to flex their advocacy muscle, events like these prepare us for greater collective impact. Read more…

Mountaineer Magazine Winter 2025

Enjoy access to our quarterly Mountaineer magazine, keeping you up-to-date with everything our organization and community have been up to. Hear from regular contributors on topics from training exercises to trail tips, and read features from our members sharing stories from the outdoors. We encourage you to access all of our updates, stories, tips, and more in the tree free online magazine today. Read more…

CEO Update: 2024 Annual Meeting Recap

Each fall we host our Annual Meeting to recognize leaders across the organization and share highlights from the previous year as well as upcoming priority areas. More than anything, our Annual Meeting is a celebration of our community and all the impact made possible by the generosity and commitment of members, volunteers, and donors. Read on for a brief recap and please check out the virtual recording.  Read more…

The 10-Year Vision for the Future of Outdoor Recreation on DNR Lands

It’s safe to say that just about any recreationist can find their next adventure on Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR)-managed lands. Whether you’re tackling a strenuous ascent of Mailbox Peak, honing your sport climbing skills at Exit 38, or enjoying a trail run in the Issaquah Alps, you’re recreating in areas managed by the DNR.  Read more…

Olympia Branch 2024 Annual Awards Celebration

Outstanding leaders, volunteers, graduating students, and recipients of hiking pins and badges were recognized and celebrated at this year's Olympia Branch Annual Awards Celebration. Read more…

This is What Outdoor Advocacy Looks Like

“Don’t get distracted by the bells and buzzers you’ll hear going off in congressional offices,” warned Cheri Bustos on our first day of in-person training for Outdoor Alliance’s Grasstops Collective. Former Representative Bustos (IL-17) was referring to the sounds and lights used in Congress to summon members to votes and quorum calls; she was just the first of three speakers to prepare us for the potential disturbance to our planned meetings with members of Congress. Read more…

Top 10 Trip Reports - October 2024

A collection of trip reports as golden as a larch. Read on, dear friends, for mediocre views, a failed comet sighting, wumping sea lions, our first taste of snow, a beautiful day in the neighborhood, and more.  Read more…

2024-2025 Olympia Adventure Speaker Series Launches in November

Mountaineers from all branches, their guests, and community members are invited to join the Olympia Mountaineers on the first Wednesday of each month from November 2024 through March  2025 for our much-loved Adventure Speaker Series! Olympia Mountaineers have hosted this amazing free event for 17 years.  Read more…

The Many Faces of a Mountain: Sharing Importance and Meaning Behind Indigenous Place Names

The Mountaineers is partnering with the Sacred Lands Conservancy, an Indigenous-led nonprofit with strong ties to the Lummi Nation, to produce a series of educational pieces on the importance of mindful recreation and how we can all develop deeper connections to the histories of our natural places. Tah-Mahs Ellie Kinley is a Lhaq’temish fisherwoman who has previously served as an elected member of Lummi Nation’s Fisheries and Natural Resource Commission. She is President of the Sacred Lands Conservancy. This final blog from her, written in collaboration with SLC’s Julie Trimingham, shares about the history and meaning of Indigenous place names with a focus on two of our region’s mountains. Read more…

U.S. Forest Service Freezes Hiring Of Seasonal Workforce

The Pacific Northwest is defined by its U.S. Forest Service lands. The agency manages nearly 25 million acres of public lands in Washington, Oregon, and Northern California, from the dizzying heights of Mt. Baker to the awe-inspiring Multnomah Falls. Much of the important on-the-ground management work - maintaining trails, cleaning bathrooms, and fighting wildfires - falls on the shoulders of seasonal or temporary employees.  Read more…

Adventure Speaker Series: Dixie Havlak - Adventures in Canada

Our neighbor to the north offers some fabulous wilderness experiences, from inland canoe routes to protected sea kayaking, to remote fly-in parks and boat-in preserves, to spectacular hiking trails and lengthy biking routes. Canada is surrounded by a natural beauty that is similar yet distinct from that of Washington, and infused with Indigenous cultures. This presentation will help you set your sights northward, with picture tours of Bowron Lakes, Broken Group Islands, Haida Gwaii, Tweedsmuir and Wells Gray, Callaghan ski lodge, Cape Scott, the West Coast Trail, and more! Read more…

Top 10 Trip Reports - September 2024

A collection of trip reports with a little extra flavor. Read on, dear friends, for summit treats, a pretty sweet deal, raving reviews, crab cookers, and more. Read more…

Introducing the New Trip Reporter Badge

At The Mountaineers, every adventure tells a story. Sharing stories through trip reports is foundational to our community’s ability to get outside. Trip reports provide valuable information for trail conditions, weather, new obstacles, route details, and more, enabling our members and leaders to plan ahead for their outings. Submitting a trip report is a simple, yet impactful way to give back to The Mountaineers community and make your voice heard. Read more…

Results: Board and Branch Elections - 2024

We're pleased to present you with the outcome of the 2024 Board & Branch Elections, and we're grateful to everyone who participated by voting and accepting a nomination. Your participation shows a deep commitment to the organization, and this year, we received over 700 votes from our membership.  Read more…

Join The Mountaineers Annual Meeting - Oct 29, 2024

Each year, we host an annual meeting for our members to learn more about the organization's state of affairs from staff and board members. Join us to celebrate 2024 fiscal year highlights, preview 2025, learn more about our strategic priorities, and have the opportunity to ask questions of our leaders. 

This year's annual meeting will take place virtually on Tuesday, October 29 from 6-7:30pm.  Read more…

Trip Report: Advocating for Public Lands and Recreation in Washington D.C. with Outdoor Alliance - Sep 2024

Each year, The Mountaineers joins our Outdoor Alliance (OA) partners in Washington, D.C., uniting with leaders in the human-powered outdoor community to advocate together with lawmakers and land managers for shared conservation and recreation priorities. While we engage in coordinated advocacy with OA throughout the year, meeting with decision-makers in person builds support for outdoor advocacy on a larger scale. Read more…

Mountaineer Magazine Fall 2024

Enjoy access to our quarterly Mountaineer magazine, keeping you up-to-date with everything our organization and community have been up to. Hear from regular contributors on topics from training exercises to trail tips, and read features from our members sharing stories from the outdoors. We encourage you to access all of our updates, stories, tips, and more in the tree free online magazine today. Read more…

Top 10 Trip Reports - August 2024

A collection of trip reports to inspire your last few weeks of summer. Read on, dear friends, for a slight misadventure, brilliant beta, the perfect pair, an unnamed lake, and more plain fun.  Read more…