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Mountaineer Magazine Fall 2024

Enjoy access to our quarterly Mountaineer magazine, keeping you up-to-date with everything our organization and community have been up to. Hear from regular contributors on topics from training exercises to trail tips, and read features from our members sharing stories from the outdoors. We encourage you to access all of our updates, stories, tips, and more in the tree free online magazine today. Read more…
Top 10 Trip Reports - August 2024

A collection of trip reports to inspire your last few weeks of summer. Read on, dear friends, for a slight misadventure, brilliant beta, the perfect pair, an unnamed lake, and more plain fun. Read more…
Vote Now! Board & Branch Elections - 2024

As a 501(c)(3) volunteer-led organization, The Mountaineers depends on the generosity, initiative, and leadership of our volunteers to steward the future of our organization. We are humbled by the service provided by Board and branch directors whose positions are confirmed by members each year. Thank you for all you do as members to elevate our mission, and for your participation in the forthcoming election process for these organization-wide leaders. Read more…
Mountaineers of the Week: Jennifer Fortin, John Sisco, and Kathy Fox

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to three retiring members of the Olympia Branch Stewardship and Conservation Advisory Team (SCAT). These dedicated individuals have been instrumental in guiding The Mountaineers stewardship efforts over the past 25 years. As they step into retirement, we recognize their remarkable contributions to conservation and stewardship. Read more…
Trip Report: Discussing Outdoor Access in Central Washington With Rep. Dan Newhouse

As a recreationist adventuring in the Pacific Northwest, you know how the eastern slope forests, grasslands, and shrub steppe of central Washington offer special ways to experience the outdoors through recreation. Visitors and residents alike cherish the opportunity to paddle the Tieton and Yakima rivers, climb the Royal Columns near Tieton, and hike and mountain bike trails that crisscross a unique and diverse landscape. Read more…
Speak Up to Shape the Future of Timed Entry Reservations in Mt. Rainier National Park

The Park's public comment period is now closed. The Mountaineers submitted comments sharing feedback we received from our leaders on timed entry. Stay tuned for more opportunities to shape visitor use management at Mount Rainier National Park.
Visiting Mt. Rainier National Park has felt a little different this summer. For the first time in the park’s history, many visitors are required to purchase a timed entry reservation to enter during peak visitation hours. While the pilot reservation system ends Labor Day 2024, the long-term use of timed entry in the park hangs in the balance. Read more…
Action Alert! Take Action for Wildfire Response and Resiliency

The growing impact of wildfire and smoke on Washington's lands, waters, and communities increasingly affects our outdoor experiences. With the wildfire season in full force this summer, fires continue to burn and affect communities across Washington, including in the North Cascades and in the Yakima Valley. Read more…
Trip Report: Celebrating GAOA Improvements to the Denny Creek - Franklin Falls Area with Rep. Kim Schrier

Have you visited the new Denny Creek - Franklin Falls trailhead yet this summer? This popular, family-friendly destination near Snoqualmie Pass has long been overcrowded with unsafe parking behavior. Thanks to investments from the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA), this parking lot got a major upgrade. GAOA was passed in 2020, thanks in large part to the outdoor recreation community. The passage and implementation of the GAOA in Washington continues to be a shining example of what we can achieve when we advocate together on behalf of more than 75,000 human-powered recreationists across the state.
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Seeking Candidates for Olympia Branch Council

The Olympia Branch is a vibrant, growing community with quality volunteer leaders. Behind these leaders is a dedicated Branch Council, providing structure and support for our leaders and general membership to thrive. Read more…
Rebuilding the Eightmile Lake Dam: What the Plan Means for Recreation and Wilderness

The Enchantments - a treasured landscape for our community - is home to some of the most breathtaking backcountry recreation opportunities in Washington state. In the midst of all this natural beauty, though, you might stumble upon an unexpected feature: human-made dams. Read more…
Defending Washington's Climate Progress: Opposing Ballot Initiative 2117

As we experience worsening impacts of the climate crisis on our lands, waters, and communities, we must do more to respond to this urgent threat. The future of our organization and the planet depend on bold climate action and climate-resilient public lands and waters. Climate action and the reduction of The Mountaineers carbon footprint are prioritized in our current strategic plan and our organizational net zero vision. Read more…
Top 10 Trip Reports - July 2024

It's safe to say Mountaineers had a good time in the high alpine this July. Read on, dear friends, for super successful summits of Mount Baker, Glacier Peak, Eldorado Peak, Mount Olympus, Bonanza Peak, Sahale Peak, and more. Read more…
Eradicating Scotch Broom at Mt. St. Helens National Monument

At Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument, Scotch broom is considered a noxious weed, displacing native species and altering natural habitats from open, light-filled systems to dense shrub land where nothing else will grow. The Olympia Mountaineers are actively organizing work parties to eradicate Scotch broom, maintaining the monument’s biodiversity and habitat health. Read more…
Nominate a Leader for the 2024 Olympia Branch Service Award

Our volunteer leaders are a huge part of what makes the Olympia Branch such an inspiring, fun, and impactful community. Each year we honor the hard work and dedication of one Olympia volunteer by presenting them with the Branch Service Award. Read more…
Represent The Mountaineers at the 2024 Wilderness Risk Management Conference

Represent The Mountaineers at this year's Wilderness Risk Management Conference (WRMC). Join us to foster an environment of open dialogue and enhance our organization’s understanding of risk management practices. As a WRMC attendee, you'll acquire valuable skills in risk management, connect with fellow industry experts, share field and administrative techniques, and contribute to the establishment of standards for risk management in outdoor adventure and education. Read more…
Big River: Resilience and Renewal in the Columbia Basin

In June, Braided River launched Big River: Resilience and Renewal in the Columbia Basin - a stunning photography book and engagement campaign spotlighting the Columbia River watershed. The Pacific Northwest’s largest river system - called the Big River by many Indigenous nations of the West - covers a landscape the size of France, beginning in the Canadian Rocky Mountains and ending at the ocean mouth, near Astoria, Oregon. Read more…
Trip Report: Hiking the Wild Olympics with Senator Patty Murray

When it comes to building support for our advocacy priorities, there’s no substitute for recreating together with lawmakers and land managers out on public lands. Washington state’s congressional delegation is filled with champions of conservation and recreation, and Senator Patty Murray tops that list. Earlier this week, I joined partners from the Forest Service and the Wild Olympics Campaign to hike the Gray Wolf Trail on Olympic National Forest with Senator Murray, where we discussed her Wild Olympics Bill. Read more…
Doing More to Foster Safety, Prevent Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault

With recent reports of sexual harassment and sexual assault in the broader outdoor community, we’re reminded of how much work there is to be done to reverse this troubling reality. This news has been particularly painful for the many people who have been the targets of sexual harassment and sexual assault. As a global outdoor recreation community, we can and must do better. The Mountaineers is deeply committed to keeping our community safe, both physically and emotionally. We are redoubling our efforts to protect members from sexual harassment and sexual assault. Read more…
Top 10 Trip Reports - June 2024

In June, I watched as nearly 50 drool-inducing trip reports rolled in, making the tough job of choosing just 10 even tougher. But alas, the deed had to be done. With dried drool still on the edge of my mouth, I happily offer a collection of trip reports that highlights the most tasty and delicious views of early summer. Read on, dear friends, for marmot greetings, the infamous cheese rock, a river in good flow, snake-friendly sunbathing, and directions that are occasionally diagonal. Read more…
Equity & Inclusion Update: 2024 Trail Markers & the Path Ahead

At The Mountaineers, we believe all people should feel belonging in the outdoors and everyone should have opportunities, knowledge, resources, and access to connect with nature. This work stems from our core belief that a diverse and inclusive outdoors inspires unity, respect, and passion for the places we love. Since our last Equity & Inclusion (E&I) Committee update, we’ve been focusing efforts and resources on continuing to lower barriers to get outdoors, providing ongoing training to our leaders, investing in the emotional safety of our participants and community, and more. Read more…
Celebrate Summer at the Olympia Branch Summer Picnic - July 18, 2024

Join us on July 18, 2024 to kick off the summer with great company! The Olympia Branch annual summer picnic celebrates our unique local community. The event is open to members and their families and guests. Read more…
Spring Conservation Policy & Advocacy Update Recap

To continue to grow a community of Mountaineers who adventure with purpose as conservation advocates, we came together virtually on June 4 to share the latest policy updates from our conservation team. As we discussed progress on our federal conservation priorities and how our members can best advocate for the outdoors, we heard your passion for protecting the Northwest’s special outdoor places and creating a better climate future for all. Our members’ dedication to and engagement in conservation drives our staff-led advocacy and encourages us to create more opportunities for our community to learn and advocate together. Read more…
Unpacking Washington’s State-managed Public Lands

Public lands and waters - the places we hike, climb, paddle, and find connection and belonging outdoors - are critical to The Mountaineers experience. Without them, the transformational opportunities and experiences our community provides would cease to exist. In our Conservation 101 blog, What Are Public Lands?, we celebrate the various types of federal public lands, but state-managed lands also play an important role in the outdoor recreation experience. Read more…
Announcing Launch of New Sexual Harassment & Sexual Assault Prevention Advisory Committee

In a continued pursuit of a safe, welcoming, and inclusive culture, the Board of Directors launched a new Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault (SHSA) Prevention Advisory Committee in December 2023. This is an ad hoc advisory committee chartered to develop recommended near-term and long-term improvements to our bylaws, behavior policies, and operational procedures to address the risk of sexual harassment and/or sexual assault of our members. The committee is charged with defining and understanding the risks of sexual harassment & sexual assault within The Mountaineers, identifying ways to prevent these behaviors, and identifying ways to respond to these behaviors. Read more…
Impact Report for Fiscal Year 2023

Your passion, expertise, and generosity are the cornerstones of everything we achieve at The Mountaineers. We’re thrilled to present our annual impact report for fiscal year 2023 (ending September 30, 2023), a testament to our shared commitment and vision. Read more…
Mountaineer Magazine Summer 2024

Enjoy access to our quarterly Mountaineer magazine, keeping you up-to-date with everything our organization and community have been up to. Hear from regular contributors on topics from training exercises to trail tips, and read features from our members sharing stories from the outdoors. We encourage you to access all of our updates, stories, tips, and more in the tree free online magazine today. Read more…
Top 10 Trip Reports - May 2024

A collection of trip reports that chases away our fair-weather friends with the devastating reminder that summer is still 20 days away. Read on, dear friends, for sticky whirlpools, spring snowstorms, an untouched summit register, fruitful work, and the ongoing saga of variable, early season conditions in the Pacific Northwest. Read more…
2024 Open Nominations: Join Our Board of Directors or Branch Leadership

We’re excited to once again be calling for nominations for individuals to join our Board of Directors, and new this year we are also seeking individuals to join as part of our branch leadership. Our open nominations process is rooted in our core values and ensures we bring forward an excellent and diverse slate of candidates to be elected by membership. Nominations are due by June 21, 2024. Read more…
We Are All Treaty People: Part II

The Mountaineers is partnering with the Sacred Lands Conservancy, an Indigenous-led nonprofit with strong ties to the Lummi Nation, to produce a series of educational pieces on the importance of mindful recreation and how we can all develop deeper connections to the histories of our natural places. Tah-Mahs Ellie Kinley is a Lhaq’temish fisherwoman, an enrolled Lummi Nation tribal member, an elected member of Lummi Nation’s Fisheries and Natural Resource Commission, and President of the Sacred Lands Conservancy (SLC). We hope you enjoy this blog from her, written in collaboration with SLC’s Julie Trimingham, which shares more about tribal treaties of the Pacific Northwest - which allow us to live, work, and recreate on these lands and waters - and how we can all strive to uphold them today. - Conor Marshall, Advocacy & Engagement Manager Read more…
CEO Update: State of the Organization Recap - April 2024

On April 30, 2024, we shared a “state of the organization” update with members of our community. One year into our new strategic plan, Adventure with Purpose, we are excited to be in a strong position to continue our forward momentum. We also celebrate our rock-solid community, which is rooted in exceptional volunteerism and generosity where our mission, core values, and strategic plan continue to be our North Star as we look to the future. Read more…