Introduction to Trail Running Presenation
So you're interested in getting feet to trail at a little faster pace? This lovely presentation should tell you a little more about doing this with the Mountaineers.
Trail Running Intro.pptx
— 6.7 MB
Trail Runner Responsibility
What we, the volunteers of the Mountaineers, expect from you, the runner: before, during, and after a trail run.
Trail Runner Responsibility II.docx
— 17.9 KB
Trail Running Ten Essentials
A modified version of the Ten Essentials specific to trail running.
Trail Running Ten Essentials III.docx
— 22.8 KB
Introduction to Backcountry Trail Running course presentation
Presentation used for the introduction to backcountry trail running course
Intro to Backcountry Trail Running Class Presentation.pptx
— 34.9 MB