February Winter Conditioning Run: 6+ miles

Field trip: Winter Trail Running Conditioning Series

February Winter Conditioning Run: 6+ miles - Discovery Park

Winter Trail Running Conditioning Course runs from 6+ miles. You will need to complete 2 course runs per month over Dec, Jan and Feb to graduate.

  • Easy
  • Mileage: 7.0
  • Elevation Gain: 755 ft

Please bring headlamp since we will be finishing in the dark!

For a complete description of  trail running with the Mountaineers, please consult the Trail Running Standards.

Meeting place and time

Meet at 6PM at Discovery Park *East Parking Lot* (off 36th Avenue West). Following introductions, description of route and current trail conditions.  No passes required. Toilets available near the starting point at Discovery Park Visi tor Center.

Directions: From 15th Ave W, just south of the Ballard Bridge, head west on W Emerson Place. After you cross the railroad tracks, turn right onto Gilman Ave W. In a few blocks Gilman changes names and becomes W Government Way. Just beyond 36th Ave W, enter Discovery Park and turn into the second driveway on the left (the first is a one-way exit.) This leads to the East Parking Lot near the Visitor Center. For those traveling by bus, Metro Route 33 has a stop on W Government Way just east of the park.

Leader's notes

We will look to do an avg pace of 4 mph: moderate to fast (depending on group comfort) hike uphill and 4.5-5.0 mph straightaway and downhill. Goal is for everyone to run at a conversational pace, which means you can talk in complete sentences without gasping for air, can easily breath through your nose, and have an average heart rate typically less than 140 (75% of max heart rate).  Shouldn't be huffing and puffing.

Link to Strava Route

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Please wear layers of breathable, technical clothing suitable for outdoor aerobic activities for this course's activities.

  • Waterproof jacket, hat, buff, gloves, sunglasses; running-specific gaiters recommended
  • Warm mid-weight layer (e.g. down vest or wool long sleeve)
  • Trail running shoes
  • A small day pack suitable for trail running
  • Bring snacks and water
  • Trail running-adapted ten essentials
  • Headlamp with spare batteries
Trip Reports