Intro to Trail Running: Frontcountry - Running on Technical Terrain

Field trip: Introduction to Trail Running: Frontcountry

Intro to Trail Running: Frontcountry - Running on Technical Terrain - Poo Poo Point via Chirico Trail

This field trip will focus on running skills for technical terrain - Running on trails with rocks, roots, mud, creeks, etc.

  • Easy/Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 4.2 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,790 ft

We will run at an easy conversational pace with power hiking uphill (some optional running mixed in) and running flat and down sections.  We will run as a group. 

We should wrap up and be back at the cars around 630 pm.

We will meet at the main parking lot area for the Chirico Trail at 5:00 pm. After Intros / Quick Introductory Notes, we'll start running by 5:15 pm. 

Link to Parking:

No pass required. 


Poo Poo Point via Chirico Trail

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

  • Breathable technical clothing suitable for outdoor aerobic activities
  • Lightweight windshell or rainshell
  • Trail running shoes
  • Running vest or belt 
  • Water and snacks
  • Cell phone
  • Maps (paper or downloaded)
  • Headlamp (in case of an emergency)
Trip Reports