Travis Vermeer

Travis Vermeer

Foothills Chair-Elect

Since joining The Mountaineers in 2019, Travis has taken the Basic Snowshoeing, Alpine Scrambling and Basic Alpine Climbing courses, helped instruct for the Wilderness Navigation, Alpine Scrambling and Basic Alpine Climbing courses, become a Hike leader, and otherwise participated in numerous Mountaineers activities and events. He was elected as Chair-Elect for the Branch in 2023, and will serve in that role until assuming the Chair role in November of 2024.

Travis grew up in central Washington and was introduced at an early age to our state’s natural places by The Mountaineers’ publishing works, notably Ira Spring and Harvey Manning’s 100 Hikes series. If forced to choose a favorite hike it would probably be a trip up to Sahale Glacier camp. Travis and his wife, Erin, currently reside in North Bend and spend as much time in the surrounding mountains as they can. Travis is an attorney in his professional life, currently with Zillow."