Our Pioneers, Explorers, and Mountaineers Adventure Club (MAC) members are off and running on a year full of awesome adventures! Registration is open and the clubs are filled to the brim with eager young members and their families. As we look to the adventures ahead, the youth department is identifying a need for more volunteers to assist with trips.
Working with our youth is a great way to get outside, connect with the younger generation, and provide impactful outdoor experiences to youth who might not have the opportunity to do these activities with their family and friends. By volunteering with youth, you create a lasting impact on our future environmental stewards, give them the opportunity to develop their personal awareness and leadership skills, and help them create lasting memories.
We need you!
Pioneers, Explorers, and MAC could use help from leaders of all activity types - hike, backpack, climb, snowshoe, ski/snowboard, and all other leaders are welcome to join in on the fun. Volunteers who are willing to be primary leaders on a trip are greatly appreciated, as are volunteers who wish to take on a supportive ‘instructor’ role. Some trips are single-day activities, while others are overnight. There are trips to fit every activity type and schedule!
If you’re an activity leader and interested in leading youth trips but aren’t yet a Qualified Youth Leader, you can find out more about getting your QYL credentials here. Becoming a QYL is easy and opens the door to many rewarding volunteer opportunities within our organization.
Upcoming trips with volunteer needs include:
- MAC Vantage trip | October 27 - 28
- Pioneers camping trip | November 3 - 4
- Explorers hike | November 10
- Explorers backpack | November 17 - 18
- Pioneers hike | December 9
We have other opportunities to volunteer too! If you are interested in volunteering in the winter and spring, or on dates other than what’s listed in the courses above, get in touch! Please contact our Associate Program Manager Carl Marrs (carlm@mountaineers.org) to schedule a date that works for you.