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Mountaineer of the Week: Wally Estenson

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…
Mountaineer of the Week: Adeline Okada

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…
Mountaineer of the Week: Jonathan "Scott" Sorci

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…
Mountaineer of the Week: Vicki King

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…
Mountaineer of the Week: Shuko Hashimoto

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…
Mountaineer of the Week: Luna Smith-Fisher

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…
Celebrating Net Zero Carbon Emissions for our Tacoma Program Center

As an organization that cares deeply about a healthy future for our lands, waters, and communities, we have an obligation to respond to the climate crisis by aggressively reducing our impact on the environment. The Mountaineers is committed to reducing our organizational carbon footprint, toward the ambitious goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions for our facilities and operations. Read more…
2023 Impact Report: Advocating on Behalf of the Natural World

With the recent release of our annual impact report, we're celebrating all that donors and volunteers made possible through The Mountaineers in 2023. Read more…
Mountaineer of the Week: Kimberly Hardman

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…
Emotional Safety Workshop Recap and Actions for Creating Safer Spaces

Mountaineers staff and volunteers have been aware of gaps in our member and leadership training related to emotional safety for a number of years. Between 2020 and 2024, staff-sponsored Leadership Development Series hosted a number of evening seminars that touched on this topic. In 2023, staff in partnership with the Equity & Inclusion Committee introduced the Emotional Safety in the Outdoors eLearning course that connects the core values of The Mountaineers to these five themes: Read more…
2023 Impact Report: Engaging a Vibrant Community of Outdoor Enthusiasts

With the recent release of our annual impact report, we're celebrating all that donors and volunteers made possible through The Mountaineers in 2023. Read more…
Impact Giving | Investing in the Legacy of Mountaineers Lodges

A year into our strategic plan, Adventure with Purpose, we’re making significant strides to continue improving support for our mission. To better address the needs of our volunteers who run and operate our three lodges, we are expanding resources and making dedicated financial investments. Of the many improvements taking place this season, I’m excited about a new opportunity to accelerate infrastructure improvements to revitalize Baker, Meany, and Stevens Lodges. Read more…
Mountaineer of the Week: Nina Kilham

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…
2023 Impact Report: Leading Innovation in Outdoor Education

With the recent release of our annual impact report, we're celebrating all that donors and volunteers made possible through The Mountaineers in 2023. Read more…
Equity & Inclusion Update: 2024 Trail Markers & the Path Ahead

At The Mountaineers, we believe all people should feel belonging in the outdoors and everyone should have opportunities, knowledge, resources, and access to connect with nature. This work stems from our core belief that a diverse and inclusive outdoors inspires unity, respect, and passion for the places we love. Since our last Equity & Inclusion (E&I) Committee update, we’ve been focusing efforts and resources on continuing to lower barriers to get outdoors, providing ongoing training to our leaders, investing in the emotional safety of our participants and community, and more. Read more…
Mountaineer of the Week: Daisy Fish

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…
Conservation Currents | Stewarding Washington’s Lands and Waters With The Mountaineers

Growing up in Seattle, I wasn't fully aware of the human-caused impacts on our environment, nor did I understand our responsibility to give back to our shared home until an elementary school field trip taught me about the impact our stormwater systems have on local salmon populations. Picking up trash with my classmates and spray-painting stencils of salmon near storm drains around our local watershed remains imprinted in my mind, reminding me of the interconnectedness of nature and our charge to steward it. Read more…
50+ Year Member Lunch Recap 2024

On June 13, 2024, we celebrated the legacy and impact of our 50+ year members with a hosted lunch at the Seattle Program Center. We are thankful for their commitment to our outdoor community and for their steadfast support of The Mountaineers mission. Read more…
Mountaineer of the Week: Malcolm Moncheur

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…
Finding Confidence and Community in the Mountains

I’m standing on the Ptarmigan Ridge trail – a nine-mile day hike in the North Cascades lined with lupine, sedges, and patches of blueberries – seriously questioning my sanity. We’ve been hiking for over ten hours in the hot September sun. To make this route qualify as a Conditioning Hiking Series (CHS) graduation hike, we added the Chain Lakes Loop, another six miles through lush forests and alpine lakes. Coleman Pinnacle, Mt. Baker, and Goat Lake are just some of the incredible views we’ve observed so far. Read more…
Mountaineer of the Week: Christy McKinney

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to.. Read more…
Impact Report for Fiscal Year 2023

Your passion, expertise, and generosity are the cornerstones of everything we achieve at The Mountaineers. We’re thrilled to present our annual impact report for fiscal year 2023 (ending September 30, 2023), a testament to our shared commitment and vision. Read more…
2024 Block Party Recap: Celebrating the impact of Mountaineers Donors and Volunteers

With the western sun shining brightly on the Seattle Program Center, 122 volunteers, donors, and staff gathered for a Block Party to kick off summer and celebrate their contributions to our outdoor community, celebrate our mission impact, and have a bit of fun, too! Read more…
Mountaineer of the Week: Gregg Gagliardi

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…
Support a deeper connection to the natural world

New people are drawn to our outdoor community with each changing season. Mountaineers programs and books provide resources so everyone has the chance to develop skills to enjoy the lands and waters of the PNW confidently and responsibly. When you support The Mountaineers, you help to engage a vibrant community of outdoor enthusiasts. Read more…
Mountaineer of the Week: Evelyn Vogt

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…
105 more donors needed to protect the outdoor experience

This weekend an estimated 23 million people will go camping across the US, and even more will get outside for the day to enjoy parks, forests, waterways, and other outdoor spaces. We love to see people enjoying the outdoors, and believe that each of us has a role in conserving the natural world—and the outdoor experiences we love—for future generations. Read more…
Mountaineer of the Week: Max Roberts

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…
Your spring donation supports volunteer-led outdoor education

Spring is an exciting time at The Mountaineers as people from all backgrounds and experience levels turn to us to seek outdoor education and venture outdoors through books, trips, and activities. Spring is also when our community rallies to support our shared vision through philanthropy. Read more…
Mountaineer of the Week: Brien Houston

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…