Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to...
Name Evelyn Vogt
Branch Seattle
When did you first get involved with The Mountaineers? Spring 2023
What youth programs do you participate in with The Mountaineers? Camps, Youth Clubs - Pathfinders
How did you first get involved with The Mountaineers?
We live close to the Seattle Program Center, so my parents were excited to learn about youth opportunities. On a whim in 2023, my parents signed me up for spring break camp and I loved it.
Why do you participate in Mountaineers Youth Programs?
Because I love it! After getting past my initial nervousness, I have enjoyed seeing the same friends and learning new things like how to make a solar oven, tie knots, and even go skiing!
As a kindergartener, I had little experience with camp and almost no climbing experience when I started with The Mountaineers youth programs, but I had a great time. I learned how to climb and had an extra special time when we hiked to Wallace Falls for the spring break field trip! My family came back to Wallace Falls with me the next week! So, hiking to Wallace Falls is definitely my favorite memory because I love hiking!
If you could give one piece of advice to someone who wanted to spend more time outside, what would you say?
Don’t worry about meeting strangers here! Everyone else is just trying to have fun and maybe learn something new, too. Come try it out!
Sunrise or sunset? Sunset
Favorite season? Summer
What's your 11th Essential? A book
What’s your favorite close-to-home adventure? Biking on the Burke Gilman Trail
Favorite post-activity meal? M&Ms
If you could be an expert in any outdoor activity overnight, what would it be? Skiing
Mountaineers come in all shapes and sizes, varying widely in age, outdoor experience, and length of time involved in The Mountaineers. Part of what makes our community so unique is the broad diversity of our membership, and we hope these weekly features highlight who we are and why our community plays an important part in feeling belonging in the outdoors. We are always seeking self-nominations for our Mountaineer of the Week, and we invite you to share your story. Trust us, we want to hear from you!
Want to nominate a friend? Email Bayley Stejer to make a recommendation.