Field trip: Basic Sea Kayaking Course
Open Water Session - American Lake
Lake session of the Basic Sea Kayak class.
- Sat, May 14, 2016 — Sun, May 15, 2016
- Tacoma Branch Sea Kayaking Program
- Sea Kayaking
- Adults
- Sea Kayak II
- For Beginners (Getting Started Series)
- 4 (32 capacity)
- 6 (28 capacity)
- Cancellation & Refund Policy
To be discussed at the Basic Sea Kayaking classroom session.
Required Equipment
Required equipment will be defined at the classroom session. If you do not already own the required equipment you are encouraged to rent for the class. This will prevent you from buying unsuitable equipment or equipment you will soon find unacceptable.
If you need rental equipment this should be arranged well in advance. Please make these arrangements on-line or by phone with Kayak Academy.
If you tell them you are with the Tacoma Basic Sea Kayaking class they will deliver and pick up the boat and other equipment you rent for the class.