Tacoma Branch Committees

Tacoma Alpine Scrambling Program
A bridge between hiking and technical mountaineering, alpine scrambling leaves most of the technical climbing tools aside while navigating off-trail to a summit. Scrambling takes the adventurous, high, off-the-beaten path to summits in the Cascades and Olympics - sometimes on moderately steep rock and snowfields.Copy and paste link to class pictures https://photos.app.goo.gl/k3fym1fbbg9WNGn77

Tacoma Backcountry Tour Committee
Touring is almost all year long. As long as there's snow we're getting out there. And best of all we don't need expensive lift tickets.

Tacoma Backpacking Subgroup
This group is to provide backpacking-specific information to people in the Tacoma Mountaineers Hiking & Backpacking community.

Tacoma Basic Alpine Climbing
The Tacoma Basic Climbing Course combines classroom lecture and field instruction, to supplements one's self learning of the fundamentals of mountaineering. The course ensures that you build the necessary skills to safely follow a leader on 5th class rock, steep snow and the glaciated peaks of the Pacific Northwest.

Tacoma Bikepacking Committee
Backpacking on two wheels. In this context “bikepacking” refers to using a bicycle in conjunction with camping (backpacking with a bicycle). It does not include other cycling activities like road touring. Conditioners or other training trips that do not include an overnight stay are permissible but the focus is on using a bicycle in as part of an overnight backpacking experience.

Tacoma Branch Climbing Program
The Tacoma Branch offers basic and intermediate courses in alpine and rock climbing.
Tacoma Branch Safety Committee
The Tacoma Branch Safety Committees ensures that our activities follow current safety standards and provides resources for our leaders and instructors. They collect, analyze, and report on data from "near misses" and accidents. Our goal is to enhance promote a culture of safety so that we continue to be recognized as a leader in outdoor activity safety

Tacoma Branch Sea Kayaking Program
Whether you are an avid paddler or just a beginner we have something for you.

Tacoma Climbing Subcommittee - Intermediate Climbing
The Tacoma Branch offers an Intermediate Alpine Climbing Program, enabling students to develop the skills to lead multi-pitch trad rock routes, steep snow and alpine ice.

Tacoma Climbing Subcommittee - Sport Climbing
The Tacoma Branch offers an introductory sport climbing class which teaches the fundamentals of belaying, rock climbing techniques, rappelling, and leading for those who are ready to push their climbing to the next level.

Tacoma Cross-country Skiing Committee
Cross Country Skiing is an excellent form of winter cardiovascular exercise performed on groomed trails or XC Ski Touring off track mountain road trails or areas.

Tacoma Hiking & Backpacking Committee
The Tacoma Hiking & Backpacking Committee welcomes novice and experienced hikers and backpackers of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities who want to enjoy a sense of community and shared adventure.

Tacoma Leadership Committee
The volunteers who put on the Tacoma Branch's Outdoor Leadership Courses work within this committee.

Tacoma Navigation Committee
Knowing where you are and where you're heading is essential for safe travel in the backcountry. Our Wilderness Navigation course will teach you to find your way.

Tacoma Photography Committee
We hold photo workshops and photo hikes throughout the year. In 2025 I hope to meet again monthly to discuss technical photo topics and share images. Please email me if you're interested at donteleski@msn.com. Go to the Tacoma Branch Program Center Calendar to find out more.

Tacoma Sailing Committee
The Tacoma Branch Sailing Committee offers two classes targeted at helping members feel comfortable stepping aboard a sailboat and contributing to the fun of sailing the boat on the Salish Sea.
Tacoma Scramble Conditioning Leader Sub-Group
The Scramble Conditioning Leader runs hiking conditioners for scramble students on trails and non-technical terrain no more than a few hours from the car. The Scramble Conditioning Leader is not a leader for the hiking committee and cannot run hiking trips without a separate Hike Leader badge.

Tacoma Singles Activities Subcommittee
The Tacoma Singles Activities Sub-Committee, under the Hiking and Backpacking Committee, offers a broad and flexible range of outdoor and social activities focused on, but not restricted to, hiking and backpacking.
Tacoma Snowshoeing Subcommittee - Basic Snowshoe Leaders
Roster to award leaders badges to and track individuals who have qualified as Basic Snowshoe Leaders.
Tacoma Snowshoeing Subcommittee - Intermediate Snowshoe Leaders
Roster to award leaders badges to and track individuals who have qualified as Intermediate Snowshoe Leaders.

Tacoma Trail Running Committee
Passionate about running? Interested in trying it? Whether you've never run a trail or just finished the Bigfoot 100, join us in creating a community of outdoors lovers who have the pleasure of seeing a little more, a little faster!
Tacoma Winter Scrambling Sub-Committee
A sub-committee of the Tacoma branch Alpine Scrambling Committee to track and award leader badges to Winter Scramble Leaders.

Tacoma Youth Programs
Outdoor Adventure for all ages! We offer year-round programs for kids age 2 - 18, as well as summer camp and partner programs for outside organizations.