Climbing Course
Intermediate Glacier Equivalency
Equivalency course for Intermediate Glacier. Admission is granted after applying through the standard Climb Leader Application Link.
- Wed, Oct 23, 2024 - Sat, Oct 23, 2027
- Committee: Tacoma Climbing Subcommittee - Intermediate Climbing
- Guests: $50.00
- Availability: 19 (20 capacity)
- Cancellation & Refund Policy
6:1 Crevasse Rescue
Quick Snow Belays
- Prussik Belay
- Carabiner Ice Axe
- Sitting Hip Belay
- Butt Axe Belay
6:1 Crevasse Rescue Scenario
Instruction videos that we follow can be found at the bottom of the below website.
- Arrest the fall
- Communicate
- Place first piece of anchor
- Transfer the load
- Clip sling to bight knot
- Reinforce anchor with second piece
- Equalize the two anchors using the block and tackle
- Check on fallen climber and devise a rescue plan
- Descend to Fallen Climber
- Auto-block on strand
- Rappel Device oriented with teeth engaged and guide loop closer to climber
- Rappel Down to Fallen Climber
- Clip the Climber
- Tie Catastrophe Knot below autoblock
- Clip loop to fallen climber
- Reascend Rope
- Attach microtraxion or prussik above device and attach foot loop using carabiner
- Clip carabiner to guide loop on device
- Stand up on foot loop and clip device to belay loop to engage guide mode
- Remove autoblock and catastrophe knot
- Redirect pull strand through foot loop carabiner (optional)
- Stand and Pull
- Readjust microtraxion or prusik
- Repeat 6 and 7 until back at anchors
- Execute Remainder of 6:1 system
Badges you will earn:
This course has no scheduled activities.
Assortment or carabiners and slings
There are no materials for this course.