Olympia Branch Blog Posts

Olympia Branch Blog Posts

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CEO Update: Assumptions & Actions for Reopening The Mountaineers

I'm not certain what it was about this week, but it was a tough one. The cumulative impact of the Stay Home order, limited interactions with other people, and the realization that our "new normal" will be in place for a while seems to be weighing heavily on many. And, at the same time, as we near 50,000 COVID-19 related deaths in the US, we're reminded just how horrible this disease is and how important it is that we all continue to do our part to fight its spread. Read more…

We Are Mountaineers - Adventure With Purpose

At our 'Breakthrough' fundraising Gala in 2015, we unveiled a capstone video project documenting The Mountaineers rich history of exploration, education, and conservation. For our 2018 Gala, we celebrated the theme of Adventure With Purpose, and it felt appropriate to update our favorite video to reflect our efforts to transform lives and protect our wild places for generations to come. We updated our video again in 2020 to reflect our learnings around equity and inclusion, specifically with regards to erasure language of Indigenous peoples. Read more…

Birding in Quarantine | May 12-Jun 2

Is this quarantine starting to get to you? Are you watching birds out your windows and dreaming about what a birding trip might be like? Where might you go on your own during these Coronavirus times, and what might you find and identify? Our new course, Birding in Quarantine: Maximizing Your Fun and Relaxation, is here to help! Read more…

Introducing the Virtual Education Center & Calendar

While we’re all practicing social distancing and earning our Stayed Home badges for the greater good, we invite you to sharpen your skills and stay connected to the outdoors and each other with our new Virtual Education Center and Virtual Events & Activities Calendar. Build out your toolkit with new tips & tricks, read how to's, find online learning opportunities, and register for virtual events and activities to help you stay connected and engaged with your Mountaineers community. Read more…

196,000 Reasons to Say Thank You


It’s not often that I’m at a loss for what to say...but I find myself in awe as I reflect on last week and the groundswell of support we experienced from our community. Read more…

Jim Whittaker is All Dressed Up

As a Mountaineers member over the last 75 years, I have discovered that individual and communal learning takes place when we find ourselves at the edge of our comfort zone. Being out on the edge is where we learn and grow the most. The skills, education, and experiences we receive through The Mountaineers take us to that edge, guide us to uncover our unique leadership styles, teach us what it takes to protect our planet, and inspire us to give back to the communities that shape us. Read more…

CEO Update: The Mountaineers Response to COVID-19

It’s hard to believe that almost exactly a month ago I was on the phone with Mitsu Iwasaki, my counterpart and the Executive Director of the Mazamas, discussing their response to a relatively new thing called the novel coronavirus. The Mazamas were issuing new guidance on best practices for hygiene in groups, and Mitsu kindly let The Mountaineers borrow his language for our first public post on COVID-19. The message at that time was essentially, ‘don’t panic and be sure to wash your hands frequently’. An incredible amount has changed since then. Read more…

Preparing for the Worst: A Chaplain’s Perspective

On August 14, 2018, I received the phone call. A climber had died, and my mountaineering friend had just gotten the news. He needed assistance with what to do next. In seven years as an emergency services chaplain, I’ve lost count of how many death notifications I’ve given, and I was the right person for my friend to call. Only, when I realized that the climber he was talking about was Stephen Kornbluth, my best friend and “mountain husband,” I felt my world shatter into a million pieces. None of my experience had prepared me for this moment. Read more…

How To: Stay Home, Stay Healthy

On March 23, 2020, Governor Inslee issued a stay home, stay healthy order for Washington state. The goal of this order is to help slow the spread of COVID-19 to “flatten the curve.”

We are being asked/ordered to stay at home with the exception of essential activities. These activities include going out for groceries, medical care, and approved work in an essential business. We are also being asked to observe strict social distancing protocol and hygiene measures when we do leave the house. Read more…

How To: Stay Connected to the Outdoors While Practicing Social Distancing

Our Mountaineers outdoor community is lucky in that we often de-stress by getting outside. As social distancing becomes the new norm for the next month or so, de-stressing is more important than ever. With many of us working from home right now, fresh air, physical activity, and a break from the digital world can make a huge difference and improve mental health. Here are some tips to practice social distancing in the places we already love to play. Read more…

COVID-19 and Trip Planning

While we fully understand the desire to get outside right now, we want to urge caution and preparation. Many of the towns and communities that are gateways to the outdoors are more rural, with limited access to groceries, fuel, and medical supplies. They’re already being hit hard with visitors, as are parks where rangers and administrators are also sick and having a hard time managing the off season crowds. Read more…

Mountaineers Silent Auction Goes Online

Earlier this week we had to make a hard decision in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and our commitment to the health and safety of our community. In partnership with our Gala Co-Chairs and Event Committee, we officially rescheduled The Mountaineers Gala: Adventure with Purpose to July 23, 2020Read more…

Backpack in the Patagonian Summer - In February 2021

Backpack for eight days far off the beaten track across the Andes through Argentina’s 'Switzerland'. Join us to explore  Nahuel Huapi National Park in northern Patagonia as part of a Mountaineers Global Adventures trip in Feburary 2021. It'll be winter here, but you can enjoy the sunshine of the summer in the southern hemisphere! Read more…

The Mountaineers Gala Rescheduled and Reimagined

I am writing to update you about our response to the COVID-19 outbreak and actions related to our annual Gala. A lot has changed since last week, and we are committed to keeping our community healthy and to responding to public health recommendations in a way that allows us to best sustain our mission. In partnership with our Gala Co-Chairs and Event Committee, who are diligently keeping the health and safety of our community at front of mind, we are rescheduling The Mountaineers Gala to July 23, 2020.  Read more…

Hit the Trail With a Day Hiking Course - Begins March 30

With spring around the corner, we want to help you get ready to hit the trail with the Olympia Branch's new Day Hiking Course! Are you new to hiking, or haven't been out in a while? Do you wonder about gear, clothing, or backpack weight? Want to get better acquainted with our local area? This course is for you!  Read more…

CEO Update on the Keta Legacy Foundation Lawsuit

You may have heard recently that Keta Legacy Foundation, formerly known as The Mountaineers Foundation, filed a federal lawsuit against The Mountaineers. We were saddened by Keta’s action in suing us. And we were stunned to learn that Keta was not only demanding that the court allow it to continue to use the name “The Mountaineers” but also that the court prohibit us from using our own name for charitable fund‐raising activities. Read more…

Leader Spotlight: Dee Ann Kline

For our Leader Spotlight this month we talked to Dee Ann Kline, a volunteer leader with the Olympia Branch who enjoys leading easy paced hikes with plenty of time for photos and berry picking. Read more…

Sign Up For Olympia Summer Youth Camps - June 22-July 24

This summer, our Olympia Branch of The Mountaineers is offering four weeks of unique and exciting summer camp adventures. With a combination of day camps and overnight camps (both cabin and camping opportunities), we have opportunities everyone will enjoy. See what we have planned and find a week (or four!) that works for your family. Read more…

Leadership at the Top: Seeking Candidates for the Olympia Branch Council

The Olympia Branch is a vibrant, growing community with quality volunteer leaders. The Branch Council supports this great community of volunteers. The council is recruiting applicants for the Branch Council elections that will be held this summer. Read more…

Olympia Conservation Stewardship Development Meeting - Feb 27

According to Olympia Mountaineer Jim French: "as Mountaineers, we may have been the first to see changes in our environment and they have been catastrophic. The signs aren't good. Well, the smart gambler says, 'let's not take that chance. Maybe we should be doing something.'" Read more…

Mountaineers Backpacking Courses for 2020

Backpacking season will be upon us before we know it, and we have more options than ever to help you kick-start your backcountry dreams. Courses are available for adults at all skill and experience levels, as well as for families who want to take kids out on the trail. And, you're welcome to take a course with any branch regardless of your branch affiliation. Be sure to sign up for courses while you can, they fill up quickly!   Read more…

Trip Report: Indian Heaven Trail #33

The Indian Heaven area has been volcanically active since the Pleistocene age, with the most recent eruption happening around 9000 years ago, creating the Big Lava Bed south of the Indian Heaven. Lava flows paired with melting glacial ice created high, wide, thickly-forested plateaus within the Indian Heaven Wilderness making for great views, many deep lakes, and huckleberries galore. Read more…

Welcome New Olympia Mountaineers Members

Welcome new Olympia Branch members. You may have a few months and some courses and activities under your belt, or you might be brand new and getting ready to launch into 2020 with a bang, but wherever you are on your Mountaineers journey we're glad you've chosen the Olympia Branch to get you started! Read more…

Evening Leadership Seminar, Lacey - Feb 10, 2020

Whether you're a Mountaineers leader or not, we invite you to join us for our Leadership Development Series Seminar with Ben Brown. Join us to develop skills and strategies for presenting, providing feedback, and evaluating understanding on Feb 10, 2020. Read more…

Olympia Mountaineers Used Gear Sale - Feb 6

Join us Feb 6, 2020 for the annual Olympia Used Gear Sale! The sale is timed to take place after the first climbing and scrambling classes of 2020. Students will learn what gear and equipment they need and can bring their own shopping list to find bargains, and everyone is welcome to buy and sell! Read more…

Our Most Popular Blogs of 2019

We share a lot of content through our blog. With a community of 14,000 Mountaineers participating in courses, trips, activities, and so much more all the time, plus a nonprofit publishing division creating 30-35 books a year, we have plenty to share. Here are our Top 10 most read blogs of 2019:  Read more…

$100K Raised for Our People and Our Places

As we begin 2020, I am overwhelmed with gratitude to be part of The Mountaineers community. We’re ringing in the new decade with celebration and it’s all because of you! Read more…

Top 10 Mountaineers of Instagram: Inspiration for 2020

Now more than ever, outdoor enthusiasts can learn about great places to play through social media. Finding new trails, discovering new paddles, and reaching new summits is easier than ever you connect with a community celebrating adventure through photos, videos, and stories on Instagram. Because we think the outdoors are worth sharing, we've picked a few Mountaineers whose Instagrams might just inspire you to get outside in the new year.  Read more…

Vision 2022 Progress Update: A Two Year Look At Our Strategic Plan

Each year we host a Leadership Conference to support our volunteer leaders. Leadership is as much an art as it is a skill, and the best outdoor leaders are always working to refine their leadership. And The Mountaineers are working to refine our leadership as well. Here's an update on our Vision 2022 strategic plan I shared with the attendees of our conference: Read more…

Olympia Mountaineers Recognize Leaders at Annual Banquet

The Olympia Branch of The Mountaineers has a rich history of developing outstanding leaders.  Each year, one leader in the climbing, conservation, hiking, and sea kayaking activities is honored as  Leader of the Year.  The Branch Service Award is given in recognition of service above the call of duty to the Olympia branch. Read more…