196,000 Reasons to Say Thank You

On the evening of April 4, our virtual gala campaign came to a close. We are awestruck and humbled by those who gave generously of their time and philanthropy to help us raise over $196,000 in support of The Mountaineers during our greatest time of need.
Tom Vogl Tom Vogl
CEO, The Mountaineers
April 06, 2020
196,000 Reasons to Say Thank You


It’s not often that I’m at a loss for what to say...but I find myself in awe as I reflect on last week and the groundswell of support we experienced from our community.

On Saturday evening, our virtual gala campaign came to a close. The week was filled with homemade videos from our gala leaders who were All Dressed Up With Nowhere To Go, an online auction with unique offerings from our sponsors, members, and authors, and a Virtual Paddle Raise, where Jim Whittaker asked our community to rope up with him and Dianne and give what you can in The Mountaineers time of need. 

And give, you did. 

Our community generously gave their time, energy, and philanthropy. Gala videos were watched, liked, and shared thousands of times. More than 215 people registered for the online auction and bid on unique trips and experiences. And nearly 200 members, volunteers, family, and friends donated $196,000 to support The Mountaineers in our greatest time of need.

We are awestruck, humbled, and deeply grateful for all that our community has shared with us this week. It means so much to have your support, especially in light of the stress and circumstance surrounding us all.

Thank you for standing with us in celebration of our people, places, publishing, and programs. 

Thank you for making a difference by giving what you can.

But mostly, thank you for making The Mountaineers such a meaningful and inspiring community to be a part of. 

This week, we have 196,000 reasons to say thank you for your financial support. Just as important, we also have countless more reasons to give thanks for the generous spirit of our community, who lift us up when times are hard.

From the bottom of our hearts, 

thank you!

If you wanted to make a gift but missed the April 4 deadline, it’s not too late! Inspired by the generosity of our community, one board member pledged an additional $2,000 match for anyone who’s still hoping to lend their support. You can receive a 100% match of your donation by making a gift online or by letting development@mountaineers.org know that a check is on the way.

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