April Hikes:  2.5  - 5 miles, 250 - 1,000 feet gain

Field trip: GoHike: Beginner Hiking Course

April Hikes: 2.5 - 5 miles, 250 - 1,000 feet gain - Coal Creek Trail

This hike counts toward your monthly required GoHike course April trips. An easy, rolling 4 mile and 577 ft elevation gain hike with water features and lots of tall trees and moss in the Newcastle area close to where I-405 and I-90 intersect. Pace will be 1.5-2.0, determined by the fitness of the group. This hike is estimated to take just about 2 hours with "beauty breaks".

  • Easy
  • Easy
  • Mileage: 4.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 577 ft
  • Pace: 1.5-2.0

More details to come for this hike. It will be an easy pace, we will stop a few times or so to enjoy the sights and sounds, snack/hydrate, and check-in. Please review the Lower Coal Creek Trail info on AllTrails if you are curious to learn more before signing up.

We will meet at (Trailhead TBD) at 1:00 pm to orient ourselves and hike. Please arrive early, have your gear on and ready prior to 1:00 pm. More details to come.


Coal Creek Natural Area

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Your leader will send out a Hello Hiker email prior to the hike with details on the hike and recommended and required equipment.

Proper shoes/boots for whatever weather we have that day are critical, as are the right layers (from breathability to waterproofedness). Poles recommended as there will be some hilly parts.

Trip Reports