Bellingham Branch Blog Posts

Bellingham Branch Blog Posts

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2024 Open Nominations: Join Our Board of Directors or Branch Leadership

We’re excited to once again be calling for nominations for individuals to join our Board of Directors, and new this year we are also seeking individuals to join as part of our branch leadership. Our open nominations process is rooted in our core values and ensures we bring forward an excellent and diverse slate of candidates to be elected by membership. Nominations are due by June 21, 2024. Read more…

We Are All Treaty People: Part II

The Mountaineers is partnering with the Sacred Lands Conservancy, an Indigenous-led nonprofit with strong ties to the Lummi Nation, to produce a series of educational pieces on the importance of mindful recreation and how we can all develop deeper connections to the histories of our natural places. Tah-Mahs Ellie Kinley is a Lhaq’temish fisherwoman, an enrolled Lummi Nation tribal member, an elected member of Lummi Nation’s Fisheries and Natural Resource Commission, and President of the Sacred Lands Conservancy (SLC). We hope you enjoy this blog from her, written in collaboration with SLC’s Julie Trimingham, which shares more about tribal treaties of the Pacific Northwest - which allow us to live, work, and recreate on these lands and waters - and how we can all strive to uphold them today. - Conor Marshall, Advocacy & Engagement Manager Read more…

CEO Update: State of the Organization Recap - April 2024

On April 30, 2024, we shared a “state of the organization” update with members of our community. One year into our new strategic plan, Adventure with Purpose, we are excited to be in a strong position to continue our forward momentum. We also celebrate our rock-solid community, which is rooted in exceptional volunteerism and generosity where our mission, core values, and strategic plan continue to be our North Star as we look to the future. Read more…

Top 10 Trip Reports - April 2024

April... It was the best of months, it was the worst of months. Read on, dear friends, for occasional chaos, butt-scraping fun, superior starts, few redeeming qualities, and the promise to never return. Oh, and two straggling March trip reports that you'll be grateful we didn't let go unnoticed. Read more…

Join Our Spring Conservation Policy & Advocacy Update Event - June 4, 2024

As someone who cares deeply about the outdoors, you’re well positioned to be an effective advocate - it just takes a little training and knowing the best opportunities to engage. In addition to advocating on behalf of our community of more than 16,000 outdoor enthusiasts, The Mountaineers amplifies opportunities to leverage your voice to advance conservation and recreation policy and create new ways to deepen your engagement in our conservation work. Read more…

We Are All Treaty People: Part I

The Mountaineers is partnering with the Sacred Lands Conservancy, an Indigenous-led nonprofit with strong ties to the Lummi Nation, to produce a series of educational pieces on the importance of mindful recreation and how we can all develop deeper connections to the histories of our natural places. Tah-Mahs Ellie Kinley is a Lhaq’temish fisherwoman, an enrolled Lummi Nation tribal member, an elected member of Lummi Nation’s Fisheries and Natural Resource Commission, and President of the Sacred Lands Conservancy (SLC). We hope you enjoy this blog from her, written in collaboration with SLC’s Julie Trimingham, which shares history and context about the regional tribal treaties that allow us to live, work, and recreate on these lands and waters. - Conor Marshall, Advocacy & Engagement Manager Read more…

Adventure with Purpose: A Recap of Our 2024 Gala

Each year, our community gathers at our annual fundraising Gala, Adventure with Purpose, to make a difference for people and places through the mission and vision of The Mountaineers. The funds raised in this single night represent more than a third of our charitable revenue for the year, elevating  mission and values driven initiatives across all branches and activities. Your support is vital for some of our most impactful programs such as youth outreach, scholarships, volunteer leadership development, nonprofit publishing, conservation advocacy efforts, and more. At this year’s Gala, we raised an astonishing $650,000 elevating the way we LEAD innovation in outdoor education, ENGAGE a vibrant community of outdoor enthusiasts, and ADVOCATE on behalf of the natural world. Read more…

Action Alert! Keep Up the Momentum for the EXPLORE Act

As Mountaineers know well, land managers need new tools and resources to sustainably manage growing recreation on public lands in Washington State and across the country. For several years, The Mountaineers and our partners at Outdoor Alliance have been advocating for federal legislation that improves sustainable and equitable access to outdoor recreation, and we’re now one step closer to achieving a big win for the outdoors.  Read more…

Introducing the Four-Legged Hike Leader Badge

Everyone knows that adventures are more fun with friends. This golden rule applies to adventures with our furry besties as well. These four-legged adventurers earn just as many miles - if not more! - than their two-legged counterparts, and it’s high time we recognized their service to outdoor exploration with a badge. That’s why we’re thrilled to finally introduce the Four-Legged Hike Leader badge! Read more…

Top 10 Trip Reports - March 2024

It's officially spring, and as such, it feels fitting to share this perfectly packaged collection of trip reports wrapped in sunshine and reminiscent of the good old days. Read on, dear friends, for our tried and true bestie, the occasional need to crawl, skiing hot pow, and this thing we call snow.  Read more…

CEO Update: Organizational Realignment & Hiring Plan

As organizations grow and evolve, it’s common to redesign roles and org structures to better support the communities they serve. With the development of our new strategic plan, Adventure With Purpose, we feel that now is the right time to realign our staff organizational structure.  Read more…

Advocacy 101: Best Practices for Engaging with Lawmakers

You don’t have to be a skilled lobbyist or an expert advocate to make a difference for the lands you love. As someone who cares deeply about the outdoors, you’re well positioned to be an effective advocate - it just takes a little time and training. That’s where our recently-launched Advocacy 101 eLearning course comes in. Through Advocacy 101, you’ll learn the basics of advocacy and best practices for advocating for important conservation and recreation initiatives by engaging with lawmakers and land managers.
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Action Alert! Thank Lawmakers for Prioritizing Public Lands in the 2024 State Budget

State-managed public lands like Blanchard Mountain, Mount Si, and Tieton’s Royal Columns connect us to nature through the recreational activities we enjoy in all seasons. With Mountaineers programs and activities frequently occurring on state lands, each legislative session we advocate for priority bills and funding requests that improve conservation and recreation at the state level.
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Make Conservation Part of Your Mountaineers Experience With These eLearning Courses

ELearning plays a critical role in our community's efforts to teach and learn outdoor skills and build a shared culture of conservation. Three conservation-focused offerings on our eLearning management system, Coassemble, are some of the many ways we educate Mountaineers about conservation and cultivate stewards and advocates for the places we cherish.
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Mountaineer Magazine Spring 2024

Enjoy access to our quarterly Mountaineer magazine, keeping you up-to-date with everything our organization and community have been up to. Hear from regular contributors on topics from training exercises to trail tips, and read features from our members sharing stories from the outdoors. We encourage you to access all of our updates, stories, tips, and more in the tree free online magazine today. Read more…

Top 10 Trip Reports - February 2024

A collection of trip reports that gives us much more than we bargained for. Read on, dear friends, for a tale of two trips, professional pizza chomping, a handsomely warm ascent, and a skosh too little snow.   Read more…

Outside Insights | The Return of The Mountaineers Leadership Conference

As part of The Mountaineers leadership development team, I have the privilege of supporting our impressive collective of 3000+ volunteers. The dedication of our volunteers is incredible, to say the least. The list of their contributions to our community and the greater outdoors has grown significantly over our 117-year history. From planning and guiding activities, to mentoring new Mountaineers, to managing our lodges, it’s clear that our volunteers are generous with their time. While they share a common passion for the outdoors, our volunteers are driven by a range of motivations, such as paying it forward or expanding their adventure partner network. Our leadership development programs enhance these intrinsic rewards and invest back into our volunteers. Read more…

We're going to print! Last chance to get your name in “Freedom 10”

Books give power to our personal stories. Whether you want to discover a new place, learn a new skill, make a lifestyle change, or feel a sense of connection with the natural world or a fellow adventurer, Mountaineers Books are there to educate and inspire.  Read more…

Keta Legacy Foundation, The Mountaineers Reach Settlement in Ongoing Litigation

Keta Legacy Foundation and The Mountaineers are happy to share the good news that we have reached a settlement agreement to resolve a legal dispute between the two organizations, dating back to November 2019. The settlement agreement allows both organizations to move past this dispute, focus on our respective missions, and get back to working together on shared goals at our adjacent properties in Kitsap County. Read more…

Be a Part of "Freedom 10" and Support Nonprofit Publishing

For the past four years, I have held the awesome and humbling responsibility to steward one of The Mountaineers most revered treasures: Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills. As the volunteer editor for the forthcoming 10th Edition, I’m excited to share with you an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment and keep mission-based publishing thriving, by adding your name alongside the dedicated outdoor educators and world-renowned climbers who make this work possible. Read more…

Congratulations To Our 2023 Volunteer Award Recipients!

This past year, our volunteers remained at the core of our operations. Thank you to the nearly 3,000 members who volunteered their time during fiscal year 2023 (October 2022-September 2023), and to the many others who supported from afar! Each of you has made a difference. Read more…

Top 10 Trip Reports - January 2024

A collection of trip reports that plays with fire... Oh wait, not fire... plays with ice, considerable avy conditions, atmospheric rivers, and just about everything else that one could expect of an El Niño winter. Read on, dear friends, for a double summit, an adequate pit toilet, the Silly Stilly, and (my personal favorite) "snack ledge." Read more…

Tech Update 4.5 - Bulk Roster Updates, Practice Sessions, Site Search, and More

Since our update last spring, we’ve been working on many improvements to our website to support the work of our volunteer leaders and to make accessing information easier for everyone. This round includes improvements to rosters - including the ability to bulk update, sort by all columns, and have “sticky headers” to make navigating long rosters easier. We also upgraded our site search functionality to be smarter and more dynamic, specifically to help folks find our Mountaineers Books titles. We added the option to schedule Practice Sessions and eLearning courses, improving leader and member experience. Plus, we made many other small fixes to improve your overall website experience. Read more…

Mount Rainier National Park Announces Timed Entry Reservations for Summer 2024

Note: The Park's timed entry FAQ webpage is the best resource with the most up to date information on how to visit Mount Rainier National Park  during summer 2024.

Last week, Mount Rainier National Park announced that many visitors will need reservations to access the park through popular entrances during peak hours this summer. From May 24 through Labor Day, most visitors entering through the Nisqually and Stevens entrances between 7am and 3pm will need to make an online or phone reservation ahead of time. Reservations will also be required at the White River entrance beginning July 3 and lasting through Labor Day.  Read more…

Be a part of the 10th Edition of "Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills"

Books are portals to new places. I’ve experienced this time and again as a lifelong reader. The book that is featured most prominently in my life, hands down, is a Mountaineers Books classic that propelled me on a path to a new passion and community — Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills. Today I’m proud to support Mountaineers Books as a donor because of the impact I can help make possible through values-based nonprofit publishing. Read more…

2023 Recap: A Year In Review

The Mountaineers is an incredible community of outdoor enthusiasts, students, instructors, advocates, and leaders dedicated to fostering connections to the outdoors. As we close the door on 2023 and look ahead to 2024, we reflect on the core of our mission: to connect people to the natural world and to each other. Take a look back on our collective achievements and how our strategic goals – Lead, Engage, and Advocate – guided us this past fiscal year (Oct 1 - Sep 30.) Read more…

New eLearning Course: Advocacy 101

The outdoor adventures made possible through The Mountaineers would cease to exist without conserved public lands and waters, climate-resilient landscapes, and sustainable recreational access. A critical component of adventuring with purpose is advocating to protect public lands, fight the climate crisis, and improve the human-powered outdoor experience. You don’t have to be a policy expert to make a difference for the lands you love. As someone who cares deeply about the outdoors, you’re well positioned to be an effective outdoor advocate - it just takes a little time and training. Read more…

Top 10 Trip Reports - December 2023

Enjoy a collection of trip reports that floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee, and may ruffle the feathers of our piqued and potent powder hounds. Read on, dear friends, for a bright-yellow rump, an ode to Charles Dickens, hoar frost, the mighty useful herringbone, and (painfully) varied early season conditions. Read more…

Action Alert! Ask Congress to Improve Recreation on Federal Public Lands

Outdoor recreation is growing in popularity in Washington state and across the country, and land managers need new tools and resources to sustainably manage recreation on public lands. The Mountaineers and our partners at Outdoor Alliance have been advocating for federal legislation that improves sustainable and equitable access to outdoor recreation.  Read more…

Remembering Mountaineer Jeff Bowman

With great sadness we share the news that Jeff Bowman has passed away. Jeff was a 29-year Mountaineers member, 23-year member of our staff team, long-time volunteer with Stevens Lodge, Climb Leader, and volunteer contributor to Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills. Jeff passed away unexpectedly after recent health challenges. He was 57.  Read more…