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Support a deeper connection to the natural world

New people are drawn to our outdoor community with each changing season. Mountaineers programs and books provide resources so everyone has the chance to develop skills to enjoy the lands and waters of the PNW confidently and responsibly. When you support The Mountaineers, you help to engage a vibrant community of outdoor enthusiasts. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Evelyn Vogt

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Over 5000 Trees and Counting: Our Commitment to Net Zero

Buildings contribute a significant amount to global CO2 emissions, and Mountaineers facilities are no exception. As an organization that cares deeply about healthy lands and waters, we have a unique obligation to aggressively reduce our impact on the environment and respond to the climate crisis. While we do this through public lands advocacy, stewardship, and low-impact recreation practices, we still emit thousands of pounds of greenhouse gas emissions through our operations. Throughout the development of our strategic plan, Adventure with Purpose, we consistently heard from volunteers and donors that we need to make faster progress toward reducing our organization’s carbon footprint. In 2020, we formalized our commitment to this important work through the creation of our organizational climate statement. Read more…

We Are All Treaty People: Part II

The Mountaineers is partnering with the Sacred Lands Conservancy, an Indigenous-led nonprofit with strong ties to the Lummi Nation, to produce a series of educational pieces on the importance of mindful recreation and how we can all develop deeper connections to the histories of our natural places. Tah-Mahs Ellie Kinley is a Lhaq’temish fisherwoman, an enrolled Lummi Nation tribal member, an elected member of Lummi Nation’s Fisheries and Natural Resource Commission, and President of the Sacred Lands Conservancy (SLC). We hope you enjoy this blog from her, written in collaboration with SLC’s Julie Trimingham, which shares more about tribal treaties of the Pacific Northwest - which allow us to live, work, and recreate on these lands and waters - and how we can all strive to uphold them today. - Conor Marshall, Advocacy & Engagement Manager Read more…

Retro Rewind | A Date on Mt. Rainier

We were the luckiest teenagers we knew. In the spring of 1953, my sister (16) and I (18) learned we would spend ten days that summer in the alpine world of Mt. Rainier with two other teenage climbing course graduates, as well as renowned photographer Ira Spring. How did this happen? Ira had a contract with the publisher of a new magazine, Sports Illustrated. Read more…

105 more donors needed to protect the outdoor experience

This weekend an estimated 23 million people will go camping across the US, and even more will get outside for the day to enjoy parks, forests, waterways, and other outdoor spaces. We love to see people enjoying the outdoors, and believe that each of us has a role in conserving the natural world—and the outdoor experiences we love—for future generations.  Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Max Roberts

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Your spring donation supports volunteer-led outdoor education

Spring is an exciting time at The Mountaineers as people from all backgrounds and experience levels turn to us to seek outdoor education and venture outdoors through books, trips, and activities. Spring is also when our community rallies to support our shared vision through philanthropy. Read more…

Measuring Personal Growth on Ruth & Icy

On a Friday night in late August, I headed north from Seattle with Iris, Phillip, and Jordan - three friends I’d made in the Everett Basic Climbing course. We were on our way to Ruth Mountain and Icy Peak to try what’s known as the Ruth and Icy Traverse - a linkup of two glaciated summits on the border of North Cascades National Park. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Brien Houston

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Get to Know Travis Vermeer, Foothills Chair-Elect

Since joining The Mountaineers in 2019, Travis has taken the Basic Snowshoeing, Alpine Scrambling, and Basic Alpine Climbing courses, helped instruct for the Wilderness Navigation, Alpine Scrambling, and Basic Alpine Climbing courses, become a hike leader, and participated in numerous Mountaineers activities and events. He was elected as Chair-Elect for the Branch in 2023. Read more…

Magnuson Park: A Living History

When I was little my parents enrolled me in summer sailing camp. My mother told me it was a necessary life skill that would be useful later on, but I was skeptical. Next thing I knew I was on a small boat with three other kids, floating into the middle of Lake Washington. We were packed in shoulder to shoulder, our red regulation life jackets up to our ears, my stomach bobbing up and down in tandem with the waves. We looked at each other with the same expression. “You guys know how to do this, right?” None of us did. Read more…

GiveBIG and Receive your Adventure with Purpose 2024 sticker

Today and tomorrow mark a celebration of community and generosity across the Pacific Northwest. Will you join us and GiveBIG to get more people outside? Read more…

Peak Performance | Food for Thought

But what do you eat? This is my students’ favorite question when I tell them I’m running a 100-mile race. More than anything, they want to know what’s in store for my stomach (they care deeply about my stomach when I talk about mountaineering, too). If you’re also curious, here are my insights from years of running and mountaineering. Read more…

Advocacy 101: Best Practices for Engaging With Land Managers

Public land management. While it may not sound like the most exciting subject, Mountaineers courses and programs depend on well-managed public lands and waters. From trail maintenance to wildfire protection, an effective land management plan is the foundation for a good day spent outside. That’s where land managers come in. Read more…

Give Back during GiveBIG - May 7 & 8

On May 7 & 8 thousands of Washingtonians will join GiveBIG, a regional grassroots fundraising movement to support the causes and organizations that help our community flourish. Make a GiveBIG donation to The Mountaineers to support inclusive and responsible outdoor recreation in the PNW and beyond! Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Donia Zaheri

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

CEO Update: State of the Organization Recap - April 2024

On April 30, 2024, we shared a “state of the organization” update with members of our community. One year into our new strategic plan, Adventure with Purpose, we are excited to be in a strong position to continue our forward momentum. We also celebrate our rock-solid community, which is rooted in exceptional volunteerism and generosity where our mission, core values, and strategic plan continue to be our North Star as we look to the future. Read more…

Celebrate 20 Years of Conditioning Hiking Series - June 21, 2024

Calling all Conditioning Hiking Series (CHS) trip leaders and alumni! Join us June 21 at the Seattle Program Center to celebrate and congratulate CHS founders Kelly & Matt Cleman for their vision and dedication. Since 2005, nearly 1,000 Mountaineers have graduated CHS, earning their course badge, improving their fitness, and hiking to farther and more spectacular places than they ever thought possible. Read more…

Top 10 Trip Reports - April 2024

April... It was the best of months, it was the worst of months. Read on, dear friends, for occasional chaos, butt-scraping fun, superior starts, few redeeming qualities, and the promise to never return. Oh, and two straggling March trip reports that you'll be grateful we didn't let go unnoticed. Read more…

Virtually Trek Through Washington's Ecosystems With DNR Program Manager Joe Rocchio - May 16, 2024

What is biodiversity, and what creates it? What defines the ecosystems ranging from saltwater marshes to alpine tundra, and what species inhabit these areas?  Join the Seattle Naturalists for an engaging virtual exploration of Washington's diverse ecosystems, led by the Washington Natural Heritage Program Manager, Joe Rocchio.  Read more…

A Costume Climbing Tradition: Anywhere, Anytime

The sweat pours from your brow as you trudge under the spring sun, a mere half-mile from the summit. You know you’re tired, but begin to question if you’re unwell when you see not one, but a dozen people bounding toward you, clad in all kinds of hiking-inappropriate garb. One man is in a hula skirt, followed by a woman dressed as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. You sit down for safety and watch the apparitions get closer. You’re not hallucinating. You’ve just stumbled upon the elusive Mother’s Day hikers outside of their usual haunt. Read more…

Join Our Spring Conservation Policy & Advocacy Update Event - June 4, 2024

As someone who cares deeply about the outdoors, you’re well positioned to be an effective advocate - it just takes a little training and knowing the best opportunities to engage. In addition to advocating on behalf of our community of more than 16,000 outdoor enthusiasts, The Mountaineers amplifies opportunities to leverage your voice to advance conservation and recreation policy and create new ways to deepen your engagement in our conservation work. Read more…

Spring Gear Grab - May 20, 2024

Have a mile-long gear wish list or some extra gear you'd like to unload? Come to The Mountaineers Seattle Program Center from 6-8pm on Monday, May 20 for our upcoming Gear Grab.  Read more…

2023-2024 Leadership Development Series - It's a Wrap!

After an exciting seven months, we wrapped up our sixth year of the Leadership Development Series, providing high-quality, continuing education opportunities for our volunteer leaders. Thank you to all participants and presenters who joined us. Read more…

Did You Know: Using Crosscut Saws With The Mountaineers

 Have you ever wondered who builds and maintains the trails where you recreate, or who cuts the downed trees off the trails? We do. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Brian Stone

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Outside Insights | Summiting With Servant Leadership

Mountaineering, an exhilarating and challenging pursuit centered around scaling towering peaks, transcends mere physical conquest. It embodies teamwork, resilience, and selflessness, all hallmarks of servant leadership. Read more…

Delve Deep: Explore Mammoth Cave National Park with Global Adventures

Calling all spelunkers and scramblers! This September, Global Adventures has a unique adventure planned for you: an unforgettable trip to Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky. This wonder is featured as one the “Top 10 Experiences” in Moon's USA National Park Guide – and for good reason. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Karter Wight

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…