Have a mile-long gear wish list or some extra gear you'd like to unload? Come to The Mountaineers Seattle Program Center from 6-8pm on Monday, May 20 for our upcoming Gear Grab.
The Gear Grab is open to anyone who would like to buy or sell gently used outdoor gear; members and non-members are welcome. You may not find exactly what you need, and you may go home with something you didn't know you'd need. At our Gear Grabs, you'll often find a treasure-trove of cool, old outdoor gear.
Note to all buyers and sellers - cash or Venmo are preferred for payments. Please note that we do not have an ATM onsite.
- Only outdoor recreation items are allowed to be sold.
- All sales are buyer beware.
- We encourage 10 percent of proceeds from gear sales be donated to The Mountaineers after the event.
Our bookstore will be open during the Gear Grab. Pop in to browse new releases, classic titles, and Mountaineers logo merchandise. Members save 20 percent on all Mountaineers books and Green Trails maps in the bookstore. This is the perfect opportunity to snag a great read or instructional guide, pick up that NW Forest or Discover Pass you've been putting off buying, or load up on some Mountaineers swag.