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10 Essential Questions: Hadi Al-Saadoon

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to Hadi... Read more…

Mountaineers #OptOutside on Black Friday (and every day!)

REI made headlines with their decision to close stores on Black Friday and pay their employees to #OptOutside. We'd like to give them a shout out because like REI, The Mountaineers believes going outside is not just good for your health - but good for your soul.  Read more…

Thank You Veterans!

At The Mountaineers, we know the power of nature to restore our souls and inspire our spirits. Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Army Ranger Gavin Woody

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our special member profile this week we talked to Veteran member Gavin... Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Ilona Berzups

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to Ilona... Read more…

Meet The Mountaineers - November 16

Meet your fellow Mountaineers and learn more about our programs and activities at this 40 minute information session, and stay after to chat with your fellow members and guests. Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Anita Elder

For our member profile this week we talked to ... Read more…

Donor Profile: Rick Kirsten

Anyone who has put together a fundraising gala is likely to agree — the planning phase is type-two fun — enjoyed best in retrospect. Planning this sort of thing is stressful. Ideas, people, logistics. and all the other little details must fall into place. Every step becomes a mini leap of faith. When it all comes together – and the stars align – you’ve created a memorable evening for your guests, while achieving your fundraising goals. The stars definitely aligned for The Mountaineers special event, BREAKTHROUGH: expect the unexpected in April, and we unexpectedly shattered all goals. Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Dave Perez

For our member profile this week we talked to ... Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Elizabeth Lunney

For our member profile this week we talked to ... Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Katie McKenna

For our member profile this week we talked to ... Read more…

Remembering Mountaineer Timothy Hagan

With great sadness we share the news of the passing of Timothy Hagan, a long-time member of The Mountaineers community and a prominent peak-bagger.  Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Arin Sharkey

For our member profile this week we talked to ... Read more…

Small gifts go a long way

The best part of my job is visiting with donors. It’s satisfying to see a donor’s reaction to the stories I share about the various ways that she has made an impact on the community with her contributions. But it’s even more gratifying to hear how donors began their love affair with the outdoors and what inspired them to make their first gift to The Mountaineers. Read more…

10 Essential Questions: John Rollins

For our member profile this week we talked to ... Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Ruthie Wessendorf

For our member profile this week we talked to ... Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Jean Walkinshaw

For our member profile this week we talked to ... Read more…

Olympia Branch Election Results 2015

In August we held our annual elections to replace the Olympia Branch Officer's Committee members whose positions will soon expire. Many of you voted, and I appreciate your participation. Please join me in congratulating to the following newly elected Olympia Branch officers, beginning October 1: Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Stefanie Schiller

For our member profile this week we talked to Stefanie Schiller, a professional "climbing bum" who hails from Germany and who credits The Mountaineers with "literally changing the trajectory of her life." Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Felicia Wibowo

For our member profile this week we talked to Felicia Wibowo,  a 24-year member who started climbing and scrambling with The Mountaineers, and now is a leader in kayaking and hiking. If she had a superpower, it would be to control the wind. Read more…

Donor Profile: John Wick

I’m often filled with a sense of gratitude when I start the process of selecting, interviewing and featuring a donor for this column. It the week of Thanksgiving when I wrote this piece, so that feeling of gratitude was amplified and got me thinking about things for which I am thankful. Of course, I’m grateful for the many donors who generously give to the Mountaineers, but I’m also grateful to have a wonderful family. My parents instilled in us a strong work ethic, the value of giving back, and the practices of being thankful, kind and mindful. We belonged to a church so folks modeled many of these qualities, but the concept of giving “time, talent and treasures” was taken to a whole new level when I started working at The Mountaineers. Read more…

Farewell to Martinique: A message from board president Dan Lauren

It’s with sadness that I announce Martinique Grigg has decided to step down from her role as executive director of The Mountaineers August 13.  She has served in this position since December 2009. Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Jim Paxinos

For our member profile this week we talked to ... Read more…

The Mountaineers Gets People Moving!

Mountaineers members are active people, and we have the numbers to show it! Simply by looking at the trips our leaders have posted online, our membership has done some serious human-powered travel so far in 2015 - over 72k miles and 22 MILLION feet of elevation gain (and we've got plenty of time for more)!  Read more…

Executive Director Martinique Grigg to leave August 13

Serving as executive director of the Mountaineers for nearly six years has been the high point of my professional career.  I’m pleased we have achieved so much: financial sustainability, significant programmatic advancement, and growth in every part of the organization. Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Lisa Johnson

For our member profile this week we talked to Lisa Johnson, a paddle leader who finds adventure in knowing that for now, in this moment, time stands still and nothing else matters. Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Tom Madden

For our member profile this week we talked to  Tom Madden, a Sailor who thinks there's nothing better than getting out on the water and sharing the experience of learning to sail with a new student.  Read more…

Olympia Branch Elections - 2015

It is time to elect new officers to replace the Olympia Branch Officer's Committee members whose positions will expire and become vacant. Please join me in voting for our new leaders, and thanking our retiring leaders for their service!  Read more…

Get involved with your local branch!

Our outdoor experiences are organized and led by volunteers based out of seven branches: Read more…

Donor Profile: Tab Wilkins

When I arrived in June 2011, The Mountaineers had recently achieved 501(c)(3) nonprofit status and fundraising was in its infancy. With the exception of dedicated campaigns to raise funds for capital projects, like the basalt columns in the courtyard of the Seattle Program Center, efforts to raise unrestricted dollars for budding youth, conservation and yet-to-be-developed volunteer programs were just getting off the ground. The concept of inviting members and volunteers – who already give a significant amount of time – to make an additional investment of dollars in these programs was new and risky. Read more…