For our member profile this week we talked to Felicia Wibowo, a 24-year member who started climbing and scrambling with The Mountaineers, and now is a leader in kayaking and hiking. If she had a superpower, it would be to control the wind.
Name: Felicia Wibowo
Hometown: Now Seattle, but born in Indonesia
Member Since: October 1991
Occupation: System Engineer
Favorite Activities: Now kayaking and hiking. When I was younger it was rock climbing and alpine scrambling.
10 Essential Questions
How did you get involved with The Mountaineers?
In 1991 Mountaineers was the only multi outdoor sports group in Seattle. There was no "Meetup" groups then. I went to the Wednesday new members orientation and they were showing a slideshow of all the outdoors activities that I could do with The Mountaineers. I joined The Mountaineers after the slide show right then.
What motivates you to get outside with us?
I had just moved from the Midwest where I went to school to Seattle. It's flat there. I thought I needed to learn as fast as I could about the mountains here and the outdoor skills since I was not that young anymore. The Mountaineers offers these opportunities and much more.
What's your favorite Mountaineers memory?
Too many to mention. But I still remember the first moonlight paddle at Lake Union. The water was so flat and calm and seeing the reflection of the sparkling city lights on the water... I was hooked.
Who/What inspires you?
What does adventure mean to you?
Doing or planning climbs, scrambles, kayak trips that I have never done before.
Lightning Round
Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise.
Smile or game face? Smile.
Superpower? Now...to tell the wind to stop blowing and make the waves the height I want them to be.
Post-adventure meal of choice? Anything yummy.
If you could be a rock star at any outdoor activity overnight, what would it be? Kayak surfing.
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