For our member profile this week we talked to ...
Name: Dave Perez
Hometown: Rockville, MD
Member Since: March 2012
Occupation: Forester
Favorite Activities: Skiing, mountain biking, alpine climbing, backpacking, cycling
10 Essential Questions
How did you get involved with The Mountaineers?
I first joined the Mounties upon arrival in Washington state back in 2012. I didn't know anyone at the time, and was eager to meet adventurous people and satisfy my mountain jonesing. I had no idea what I was in store for when I plugged the words "mountain," "club," and "WA" in an internet search that winter. But boy was I happy once I did!
What motivates you to get outside with us?
I like to go on Mountaineer trips because of the great people I've met and continue to meet. The club has a rich history, and I like being a part of that somehow. Also, there is usually always something going on. I've always wanted to check out one of the dance outings, do you guys still do those?
Editors note: YEs we do Dave! Check out our folk dancing committee page for all the upcoming opportunities to shake a tail feather.
What's your favorite Mountaineers memory?
Hmm, good question. There have been some goodies for sure. Mostly I'm just blown away by the community of people. When I first joined I enrolled in Intense Scrambling, and one of the leaders let me crash at his place without ever having met me. That's just the type of thing that's the norm with this club.
Who/What inspires you?
Courage inspires me. I'm always impressed by those that face and ultimately overcome their fears in order to achieve their goals, no matter how small. That is why I am drawn to the mountains its people. There is much courage to be found in them, and this spills into my everyday life.
What does adventure mean to you?
Adventure is leaving one's comfort zone and venturing into the unknown.
Lightning Round
Sunrise or sunset? Sunset.
Smile or game face? SMILE!
Superpower? Teleportation. I know it's cliche, but it would be utterly amazing to be able to beam myself to any country or mountain at any time. I'd spend my day climbing, skiing, sailing, or whatever then beam down to a brew pub, pizza joint, or warm bed. Oh, and anything touching me would be able to teleport with me too, so friends and gear could come. The trade-off would be that I'd have to jump each time to avoid teleporting my house, lawn, or whatever I was standing on or sitting in. Hmm, I wonder what would happen if I was in a pool, or the OCEAN! Yeah, teleportation.
Post-adventure meal of choice? Cold beer and patitas de puerco.
If you could be a rock star at any outdoor activity overnight, what would it be? Big mountain ski mountaineering.
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