Have you recently sorted through your gear stash and found some things that you haven't used for a while or no longer need? Rent a table at the Used Gear Sale and go home with some cash.
Have you taken up a new outdoor activity, misplaced a piece of equipment, or been waiting for a sale to purchase something on your "wish list"? Come to the Used Gear Sale and go home with some bargains.
Event Details:
- Date and Time: March 18, 2025 6:30-8:30pm
- Location: Friends Meeting Hall 3201 Boston Harbor Drive Olympia, WA
- What's for sale? Gear and clothing (adult and children) for many activities including climbing, scrambling, hiking, kayaking, snowshoeing, and Nordic skiing.
- Contact: - Bobkeranen
- Free entry for shoppers: Mountaineers and public
Information for sellers
- Must be a member of The Mountaineers.
- Register as a seller and pay a $10 registration fee.
- Items limited to equipment and gear that can be used on Mountaineers activities.
- Kids and adult items are welcome.
- Sellers will be allowed into the Community Center from 5:30- 6:30pm for set-up.
- Bring a variety of bills to make change.
- You keep all proceeds.
- All unsold items must be removed by 9pm.
Information for shoppers
- Free and open to all, including the public.
- Doors open at 6:30pm.
- Bring cash for payment. Some sellers might accept checks or online payments, (Venmo, Paypal) at their discretion. Credit or debit cards are not accepted.
Volunteers are needed to help set up and break down tables, assist the sellers in setting up, and network with shoppers.