Say goodbye to summer by unloading your extra outdoor gear or by scoring items on your fall gear wish list with our End of Summer Gear Grab. Mountaineers and members of our community can stop by The Mountaineers Seattle Program Center on September 10 from 6-8pm to buy or sell their gently used outdoor gear.
The Gear Grab is open to anyone who would like to buy or sell gently used outdoor gear. Mountaineers and members of our community come to sell all sorts of items. You may find exactly what you're looking for or go home with something you didn't know you'd need, either way you'll explore a treasure trove of cool outdoor gear.
Event Details
End of Summer Gear Grab
September 10, 2024 | 6-8pm
The Mountaineers Seattle Program Center
Know Before You Go
- Venmo or cash is preferred for payments. There is not an ATM onsite.
- Only outdoor recreation items are allowed to be sold.
- All sales are buyer beware.
- We encourage 10% of proceeds from gear sales to be donated to The Mountaineers after the event.
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The main email says 6-8pm. Your sign up page says 5-7pm.

Hi Laura, Thank you for reaching out. Gear Grab will be held from 6-8pm. Apologies for the confusion. Please let us know of any other questions.