2016 LeaderLines
January 2016
In this newsletter we share a HUGE - MISSION-EXPANDING - announcement with respect to our youth policies. Read a reaffirmation of our collective values, and reflect on how our work fits into some larger trends with respect to national policy and practices and a great blog written by one of our super volunteers.
Leader Lines January 2016.pdf
— 402.3 KB
February 2016
In this newsletter we re-cap a great night in Seattle, analyze some numbers, announce our new CEO, and remind you of the large recall that affects so many of our members. There are also a number of useful announcements below in the "quick hits" section, with a few things people should be excited about hidden in there just for fun.
Leader Lines February 2016.pdf
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March 2016
In this newsletter we've got a ton of suggestions for working together more effectively and involving more people in our programs (volunteers and those with disabilities).
Leader Lines March 2016.pdf
— 572.9 KB
April 2016
In this newsletter we discuss giving and sharing feedback, urban hiking and new sea kayaking minimum standards.
Leader Lines April 2016.pdf
— 442.9 KB
May 2016
In this newsletter we explore the importance of humility, announce some fantastic website enhancements, share our new streamlined youth leader process and throw in our usual array of leadership opportunities.
Leader Lines May 2016.pdf
— 530.5 KB
June 2016
In this newsletter we share some instructional strategies, provide an update on our Progressive Climbing Education Project, and discuss creating an atmosphere of inclusiveness in the outdoors.
Leader Lines June 2016.docx
— 374.3 KB
July 2016
In this newsletter we emphasize the importance of investing in succession planning, and offer a reminder about member privacy, a look at the cost of incivility, an introduction to new staff members, and a variety of links to important information about running outdoor programs
Leader Lines July 2016.pdf
— 457.7 KB
August 2016
In this newsletter we discuss climbing as an Olympic sport, some tips on communicating with angry volunteers, and introduce the consultants performing our risk management review.
Leader Lines August 2016.pdf
— 364.7 KB
September 2016
In this newsletter we discuss how to be an inspirational leader, point out how often members access trips from other branches, and explain the board election process that will soon be underway
Leader Lines September 2016.pdf
— 382.7 KB
October 2016
In this newsletter we give you an update on Progressive Climbing Education, and an invite to our Leadership Conference and Leader Resource Seminars.
Leader Lines October 2016.pdf
— 359.6 KB
November 2016
In this newsletter we encourage you to sign up for our annual Leadership Conference, share a great resource for integrating low impact recreation skills into your courses, and invite you to head to the Methow Valley for Winter Trails Weekend. We also have an update for you on our risk management review process.
Leader Lines November 2016.pdf
— 364.2 KB
December 2016
In this newsletter we explore opportunities to create a more inclusive community, discuss the meaning of leadership, encourage you to contribute to our photo library, and invite you to the 2017 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner.
Leader Lines December 2016.pdf
— 393.9 KB