2015 LeaderLines
December 2015
This month we'll try to keep it brief but want to celebrate a huge milestonefor the organization, remind you of an important date in January, and share some great lessons we learned at the (well-received) Mountaineers Leadership Conference earlier this month
Leader Lines December 2015.pdf
— 376.2 KB
November 2015
This month we can look at the State of the Volunteers, see the results of last month's leadership scenario survey, and issue the final call for the 2nd-annual Mountaineers Leadership Conference. We've also included useful information to hopefully make your volunteer life easier to enjoy.
Leader Lines November 2015.pdf
— 375.8 KB
October 2015
In this newsletter we take a deeper dive deeper an issue that will always be a recurring challenge for us, put a call out for more stewardship activities, and make a larger-than-usual number of points in our "Quick Hits" section (including additional speakers for our Leadership Conference).
Leader Lines October 2015.pdf
— 348.7 KB
September 2015
This month we can share some of the line-up of our Leadership Conference, provide some tips for improving meetings, begin thinking about our place in the greater outdoor industry, and share some news and training for you as a Mountaineer Leader.
Leader Lines September 2015.pdf
— 335.2 KB