Basic Snowshoe Instructor Clinic Field Trip

Field trip: Basic Snowshoe Instructor Clinic

Basic Snowshoe Instructor Clinic Field Trip - Grace Lakes

A trip to Grace Lakes, with an eye towards teaching at the upcoming field trips.

  • Easy
  • Easy
  • Mileage: 4.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 800 ft

During this optional field trip we'll review and practice the skills taught at the Basic Snowshoe field trip. Experienced instructors will be on hand to review technique and share ideas on how to effectively teach it to others.  As time allows we will go over other topics as determined by questions from the participants.

January and February are busy times for our volunteer instructors, and we plan to keep this clinic as short-and-to-the-point as possible.  Though we can't commit to a precise schedule, we are going to try to be done by lunchtime.  The tentative schedule is as follows:

  • Assemble/review the day/hike in - 1 hour
  • Review/practice - 3 hours (rough estimate)
  • Hike out -  30 minutes

Clothing and Gear: Come dressed and equipped for a day of snowshoeing.

The clinic is tentatively scheduled for Grace Lakes (near the Stevens Pass Ski Area) but may change depending on snow conditions.

Green Lake Park & Ride 6601 8th Ave NE

6:30 am departure to Stevens Pass.


Grace Lakes

  • USGS Stevens Pass

    Green Trails Stevens Pass No. 176

    Green Trails Alpine Lakes West (Stevens Pass) No. 176S
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

All gear and supplies required for a typical Basic Snowshoe trip.

Trip Reports