Sea Kayaking Basic Seattle - 2025

Sea Kayaking Course

Basic Sea Kayaking Course

Sea Kayaking Basic Course - Seattle. This is the Seattle branch introductory course to the fundamentals of Sea Kayaking.  It is designed assuming you have no prior experience, to prepare you for fresh or salt water outings in easy to moderate conditions.  If you have prior experience, our equivalency test may be more suitable for you.

Cancellation policy:  If you cancel your course registration prior to March 25, 2025 you will pay $10.00 cancellation fee. There will be no refund after March 25, 2025.

Before you register, please fill in the application form by clicking the Apply button on the right hand side panel. By submitting the application form you have automatically received an approval to register. Click the checkbox and register.

This course consists of an evening classroom session, a two hour pool session and one weekend (2 full days) on-water session. In order to graduate, you must attend all the sessions,  one qualifying saltwater student paddles and the completion of the Mountaineers low impact recreation badge --a short online course available at no charge. 

Classroom session will be held at Mountaineers Program Center. Pool Session will be held at Evergreen Community Aquatic Center. Please register one of the three sessions available in the "Course Requirements" tab below. On-water weekend will be held at Deception Pass State Park, Bowman Bay. Group campsite (G1) at Deception State Park is included with this course. There you will put into action and expand on what the classroom material introduced.  The first day you will learn the kayaking fundamentals and strokes. The second day will be a  saltwater paddle; it will reinforce all that came before and be a delightful introduction to the adventures that await. Additional student level paddles will be scheduled over the summer to allow ample time to complete the required paddle and graduate from the course.  

In the course you will be introduced to the following kayaking fundamentals, and also have the opportunity to interact with leaders and instructors who can provide additional information and instruction: 

  • Equipment including kayaks, paddles, clothing, and minimum gear for safe trips
  • Cold water environments, hypothermia and survival
  • Capsize recovery/rescues and the importance of team work
  • Sea conditions including weather, waves, tides and currents
  • Basic navigation, trip planning and seamanship
  • Paddling skills and countering the effects of wind and waves on boat behavior
  • Safety, conservation practices and followership

The course schedule is

  1. Three hour classroom session  - April 8, 2025  from 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM at Seattle Program Center.
  2. Two hour pool session  - April 19, 2025  (select one of the three different sessions: 2:45 PM - 4:45 PM, 4:45 PM - 6:45 PM,  6:45 PM - 8:45 PM) at Evergreen Community Aquatic Center.
  3. On the water weekend - May  3-4, 2025 all day at Bowman Bay.
  4. You will need one more salt water paddle in order to graduate, scheduled at your convenience.  Basic level trips will be posted throughout the summer for you to sign up for; the only required badge will be the 'student' badge you will have as part of this course.  When you complete the second paddle and graduate, your ability to sign up for trips will expand.  You can set your profile to be notified of trips as they are posted.  

Minimum physical requirements  generally include:  

  • Being flexible enough to get into and out of a sea kayak, and sit with legs extended for periods up to about 90 minutes;
  • There will be an initial 25 yard swim test to be performed in a swimming pool with PFD.  
  • Sufficient general strength, endurance and coordination to be able to perform basic paddle strokes, wet exits, self rescues, and assisted rescues as demonstrated in the class.  
  • Sufficient fitness to paddle for about 90 min at a relaxed pace.  This course does not require an high level of strength or fitness; it does require a moderate level.  If you have questions, please let us know.   

Successful completion of all requirements is necessary in order to graduate.  

Additional Costs:  Students are required to provide or rent sea kayaks and equipment for the on-water session and student paddles and transporting them to the activity locale.  Paddle-specific PFDs and appropriate immersion wear will be required at all times on the water.   Discover pass or paid parking fee will be required at some locations.  Click on the “Required Equipment” tab below for more information on sea kayak and equipment rentals.

Equivalency:  If you have prior kayak experience the equivalency program may be a better fit for you-

Badges you will earn:

Course Requirements
Course Activity Date Availability Leader
Seattle Sea Kayaking Basic Lecture
Seattle Program Center
Tue, Apr 8, 2025
Registration closes Apr 6
14 participants
16 instructors
Seattle Pool Session: Session 1
Evergreen Community Aquatic Center
Sat, Apr 19, 2025
Registration opens Apr 8; Instructor registration open now
12 participants
5 instructors
Seattle Pool Session: Session 2
Evergreen Community Aquatic Center
Sat, Apr 19, 2025
Registration opens Apr 8; Instructor registration open now
12 participants
5 instructors
Seattle Pool Session: Session 3
Evergreen Community Aquatic Center
Sat, Apr 19, 2025
Registration opens Apr 8; Instructor registration open now
12 participants
8 instructors
Salt Water Paddle Instruction
Deception Pass
Sat, May 3, 2025 -
Sun, May 4, 2025
Registration closes May 1
14 participants
13 instructors

Additional badges needed to graduate


Required Equipment

 Equipment Requirements and Costs:

You must have access to a dry suit or other pre approved immersion wear, properly-sized sea kayak, and paddling accessories (paddle, PFD, spray skirt, pump, and paddle float) for the on-water weekend session and the student paddles.  Sit on top kayaks or surf skis will not be accepted in this class.  And yes, sea kayaks do come in sizes; too big or too small just does not work...

This equipment can be rented.  You are not required to own a dry suit, kayak, and accessories prior to taking the course.  Rental sea kayak and equipment are available from a number of vendors. Body Boat Blade will have sea kayaks and gear available for rent for the on-water weekend session.  Rental equipment may also be available from any number of other paddle shops in the area.

If you plan on buying or using your own kayak for the course, please contact us for requirements.  In general, your kayak will need to be intended for use on salt water, have perimeter deck lines, have flotation, and be designed for easy straight line travel (whitewater boats won't do...)

You will need proper immersion wear for all in water parts of the class.  The universal solution is a paddle specific dry suit in good condition. 

Course Materials

You must register for this course to see course materials.