Backpacking Conditioner


Backpacking Conditioner - Miller Peak

Backpacking Conditioner

  • Very Strenuous
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 8.8 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 3,200 ft

This hike is part of a series of pre-season Backpacking Conditioners.  

These events are intended to help current backpacking course students as well as course graduates build their fitness and endurance through the winter and spring months to tackle their summer objectives, as well as build community within the Mountaineers backpacking community.

Each of these hikes are tailored to meet specific pack weight, distance, and elevation goals which will steadily increase as the clinics move through the spring months. While it is encouraged to slowly increase these factors over time, feel free to join if you judge yourself as being capable of meeting these targets.

While these conditioning hikes are carefully planned, they are intended to support and develop the backpacking community within this organization. With this goal in mind, the pace will be slow to encourage conversation and bonding time, as well as develop aerobic fitness.

Meet at Miller Peak trailhead at 0900. This will be a great way to cap off the second season of backpacking conditioners with a challenging but beautiful hike up to the peak.

NW Forest or America the Beautiful pass required.

I will be using 100% of my normal pack weight, which is 25 pounds.


Iron Bear & Miller Peak

  • Green Trails Alpine Lakes East (Stuart Range) No. 208SX

    Green Trails Mt Stuart No. 209

    Green Trails Liberty No. 210

    USGS Red Top Mtn

    USGS Liberty

    USGS Enchantment Lakes

    USGS Blewett
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Your usual day hiking or backpacking kit. To meet the weight targets, consider adding extra water or rocks that can be dumped if you find it to be too heavy.

Trip Reports