Basic Backpacking Skills Equivalency - 2025

Backpacking Course

Basic Backpacking Skills Equivalency

This is an administrative course intended to help people with existing backpacking skills and experience to apply and qualify for the Mountaineers Basic Backpacking Badge through the Olympia Branch without having to take a course. There are no associated activities. Read the course listing below, and follow the instructions and links to apply for equivalency if you meet the badge qualifications. An Olympia Backpacking Committee member will follow up with you after you've submitted the equivalency application.

This is an administrative-only course to let you know how to obtain the Basic Backpacking Skills  badge through the Olympia Backpacking Committee. It does not have any activities.


Our Backpacking Skills badges are a way of  demonstrating  your backpacking skills and experience, and is one of the sources of information that Mountaineers Backpacking Trip Leaders may use to verify that you have the necessary qualifications when you sign up for a trip, though it is not yet a prerequisite for any Mountaineers activities.    Some Mountaineers introductory backpacking courses offer the Basic Backpacking Skills badge upon graduation, but you may also obtain the Basic or Advanced Backpacking Skills badge through an equivalency application process.


First, click on the link in the first paragraph of the course description above to find out about the requirements for the Basic Backpacking Skills badge, and and verify that you have those skills.

Then, complete and submit the Backpacking Skills Equivalency Application.  Choose the badge type you want to apply for and indicate "Olympia" as your branch.  An Olympia Backpacking Committee member will  follow up to review your application and online activity history,  contact you if they need additional information, and then instruct Mountaineers Member Services to add the badge to your Mountaineers profile if you qualify.  Though we try to respond promptly, the process can sometimes take a few weeks depending on volunteer availability.

IS one of these BADGEs RIGHT FOR ME?

Getting this badge via equivalency might be right for you if:

  • You took a Mountaineers Backpacking course before the badge was offered, and want to "catch up" to the current badge standards.  
  • You haven't taken a Mountaineers backpacking course but are already active in another Mountaineers activity that does overnight trips, such as Climbing, Scrambling, Glacier Travel, Winter Camping, etc.
  • You have the equivalent skills from experience outside The Mountaineers.

Badges you will earn:

Course Requirements

This course has no scheduled activities.

Required Equipment


Course Materials

There are no materials for this course.