Field trip: Backpacking Building Blocks (B3) Course
Backpacking Building Blocks Student-Only Backpack - White Pass, Blue Lake & Pilot Ridge Loop
Enjoy a four day backpack that synthesizes all you've learned in the B3 course. From the Mountain Loop Highway we'll be hiking to the southwest flank of Glacier Peak to alpine lakes and the PCT. Any B3er can request permission to register for the trip after June 15 at 8pm; send an email to hess@whidbey.com with your recent trip experience so we can ensure this trip is a good fit for you.
- Thu, Sep 11, 2025 — Sun, Sep 14, 2025
- Foothills Backpacking Committee
- Backpacking
- Adults
- strenuous
- Challenging
- Mileage: 28.0 mi
- Elevation Gain: 9,800 ft
- High Point Elevation: 6,300 ft
- Pace: 1-2 mph
- 8 (8 capacity)
- FULL (2 capacity)
- Cancellation & Refund Policy
The route, mileage, and elevation gain/loss will be determined later in the B3 season. But all trip options include hiking the North Fork Sauk Trail to White Pass on the flank of Glacier Peak, hiking south on the PCT, and returning to the same trailhead via Pilot Ridge. Plan on old growth forest and ridges with big views.
Meet at the North Fork Sauk Trailhead off the Mountain Loop Highway at 10am with boots on and packs ready to go (rain or shine).
White Pass, Blue Lake & Pilot Ridge Loop
Green Trails Glacier Peak No. 112
Green Trails Benchmark Mtn No. 144
Green Trails Sloan Peak No. 111
Green Trails Monte Cristo No. 143
Green Trails Mountain Loop Highway No. 111SX
Trails Illustrated North Cascades National Park - See full route/place details.
Required Equipment
The Ten Essentials, plus overnight gear as specified by the trip leader