Smoot's List - 25 peaks

Day Hiking, Climbing & Scrambling Course

Smoot's List

If you've completed 25 Smoot's peaks you'll be added here so we can keep track of a roster

This is a tracker/roster for those going after Smoot's list and have reached 25 peaks.

  • There are no activities or coordination for the trips within this  "course".
  • You cannot "sign up" for this as a "student". This is only used to award the badge.
  • You will need to go out and organize or follow on trips yourselves. 

To apply for this badge, please do the following

  • Send an email request to or whoever the course leader/admin is
  • In the email, request the badge and include a link to your Peakbaggers profile or Mountaineers profile, where ever contains all records of your summits
  • Also include the names of anyone else on the trip
  • The  admin will randomly verify summits either through checking with your partners or (more likely) checking your gps tracks
  • Admin will award the badge
  • ??????
  • Profit
Course Requirements

This course has no scheduled activities.

Course Materials

You must register for this course to see course materials.