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Everett Branch Intermediate Alpine Climbing
Our Intermediate course is a structured set of modules which focus on teaching techniques to safely lead on rock, snow, ice and mixed terrain in the alpine environment.

Everett Branch Sport Climbing Program
This course will teach you the skills to safely lead on sport (bolted) routes. Instruction includes lead belaying, clipping, anchors, and climbing techniques. The course is suggested for gym climbers and scramblers, and Basic Grads who want to further develop their rock skills and learn to lead.

Everett Branch Climbing Leadership
New and prospective leaders receive an orientation and learn both the details of applying to become a leader as well as logistics of leadership. It is recommended that current leaders attend this every 5 years to say current. Attending the Everett Branch Leadership Seminar or another Mountaineers Branches Leadership Seminar can provide credit for this training.