When asked about their favorite post-activity meal, most Mountaineers members’ responses involve a burger – a greasy and satisfying reward for a day well spent. And, as is often experienced by the laws of nature, the harder you sweat, the tastier that burger becomes. But what if you didn’t have to wait until after an activity to indulge in your favorite meal?
Enter the Dick’s-A-Thon, a “physical, mental, and gastrointestinal adventure” that combines the PNW’s favorite two activities – recreating and eating – into a single event of unforgettable fun.
The Dick’s-A-Thon is a 26.3-mile running event that circumnavigates each of Seattle’s Dick’s Drive-ins. Established in honor of Ian Cox, this marathon continues Ian’s legacy of encouraging the community to seek adventure by getting outside their comfort zones, both physically and gustatorily. All proceeds from the event are donated to The Mountaineers Access Fund Scholarship, five search and rescue organizations, and the Washington National Parks Fund.
During the event, runners are required to skillfully stomach the entirety of Dick’s menu. If keeping spirits up while keeping a meal down is new to you, don’t worry. The event organizers have provided accessible training plans not only for running, but eating as well.
Ready to take your recreation to the next level while giving back to the community? Sign up for the third annual Dick’s-A-Thon!
October 19, 2024
The Mountaineers Seattle Program Center
7700 Sand Point Way NE
Options for a Half Dick’s-A-Thon (14.7 miles), Victory Lap (3.9 miles), and volunteering are also available.
Want to savor your meal? This year, you can walk and eat by joining our Dick's-A-Thon Urban Walk.
Ian Cox, my twin brother, passed away in a climbing accident. He was a true Mountaineer: a climber, skier, biker, paddler, and lover of all things adventurous. The more difficult and ridiculous the adventure, the more excited for it he was. It was in his memory that the Dick’s-a-thon was born.
The money raised during the Dick’s-A-Thon benefits organizations and causes that Ian was passionate about. That is why we are excited to continue to partner with The Mountaineers Access Program to provide scholarships for youths and adults to experience Mountaineers courses who otherwise could not afford to take them. Ian was always passionate about bringing the people he cared about on trips into the outdoors. He couldn’t understand why everybody didn’t love spending time outdoors, and in his mind the only logical reason why they didn’t is they hadn’t been to the right places yet.
Our 2023 event was by all accounts a huge success. Let’s look at the numbers:
- 261 runners across 3 race distances
- 500+ burgers eaten
- $20,000 donated to The Mountaineers Access Program
- $20,000 donated to Washington-based Search and Rescue Organizations
- 1 mega burger eating competition
Let's make this year another one to remember. Get your friends and sign up for a challenge that will test your physical, mental, and gastrointestinal strength in the most unique athletic event in Seattle. Registration for the 2024 Dick’s-a-thon is now open.