Looking for an opportunity to provide leadership for your branch’s vision and goals? Interested in offering key support for the Seattle Branch’s most dedicated volunteers? Ready to assume a Board of Directors position and serve as a liaison for The Mountaineers largest branch? Consider serving as Chair-Elect or as Branch Board of Directors Representative.
Seattle Branch Chair Elect
Position Overview
The Branch Chair leads and coordinates our branch’s efforts to serve members by providing support for the success of each Branch Council member, which includes branch officers and activity committee chairs.
The Branch Chair is typically a three-year commitment. The first year is served as Chair-Elect, the second year as Branch Chair, and the third year as Past Chair and mentor. However, due to unexpected circumstances our current Chair-Elect is no longer able to serve their role. As such, we are offering the Chair-Elect role at a discounted term of two years and three months. (This timeframe includes a three month fall transition with the current Branch Chair, and then a transition into full Chair starting Jan 1, 2025).
Key Responsibilities
- Facilitate Branch Council meetings
- Provide communication and coordination between activity committees
- Serve as a liaison to other branches via the Branch Leadership Committee
- Support the Branch Treasurer in overseeing the branch budget
- Interest in getting people outdoors and fostering volunteerism, conservation, engagement, and leadership skills
- Commitment to The Mountaineers mission and vision
- Excellent listening and communication skills
- Ability to facilitate communication across various activities and stakeholders
- Experience in team leadership, project management, or organizational management
- Willingness to give peer-to-peer feedback
- Prior experience with activity committees or other Mountaineers committees is helpful
View the full job description for more details.
- Gain experience in organizational leadership and change management
- Learn about The Mountaineers policies, procedures, and website features
- Receive 50% off all books at the Seattle Program Center Bookstore
- Get 50% off one Mountaineers course each fiscal year
- Influence the annual budget to include more funding for volunteer appreciation
“This role not only gave me meeting facilitation experience that helped me get a promotion at my job but has also resulted in multiple life-long friends. Plus it was less work than being an activity chair.” - Tess Wendel, previous Seattle Branch Chair
Seattle Branch Board of Directors Representative
Position Overview
The Board Representative serves on The Mountaineers Board of Directors, representing the Seattle Branch's nearly 10,000 members and over 900 volunteers. This role involves stewarding the future of our organization and serving as a key liaison between the Seattle Branch and the Board.
This position serves a two-year term.
Key Responsibilities
- Attend Board meetings (six times a year, including one to two-day retreats)
- Participate in ad-hoc work as an officer and through committee meetings
- Provide virtual support and participate in philanthropic fundraising efforts
- Attend Mountaineers events
- Communicate key Board activities to the Seattle Branch Committee (subject to confidentiality limits)
- Represent the interests of the Seattle Branch in Board activities
- Commitment to the vision of the Seattle Branch and The Mountaineers
- Motivation to expand opportunities for connecting with nature and one another
- Excitement to participate in strategic and innovation conversations
- Willingness to commit intellectual and financial resources
- Personal/professional commitment to creating safe outdoor spaces for all humans
View the full job description for more information.
- Complimentary copies of each season's Mountaineers Books releases
- 50% off all other Mountaineers books, including GreenTrails maps
- Invitations to special events and complimentary tickets to some Mountaineers functions
- Opportunity to network with inspirational and influential leaders from around the region
If you are interested in the Branch Chair or the Branch Board of Directors Representative role, or know a fellow member who is, please reach out to Craig Kartes (current Chair) at c.kartes@outlook.com and Tess Wendel (Past Chair) at tesswendel@gmail.com to learn more about this great opportunity to contribute to and have a positive impact on the Seattle Branch and the entire Mountaineers organization.