Exploring the great outdoors is a transformative experience that connects us with nature in profound ways. For those eager to step onto the trails but uncertain about where to begin, the GoHike: Beginning Hiking Series course offers an inviting gateway into the world of hiking. The GoHike course launched in 2021 to introduce new hikers, or those who are eager to restart, to the joys of hiking while providing a supportive community and valuable resources to ensure a safe and enjoyable beginner experience.
The GoHike course eliminates barriers that often deter beginners from venturing onto trails by offering meticulously planned hikes led by experienced volunteers. The course is structured to progressively enhance distance, mileage, and knowledge for GoHike students, accommodating diverse skill levels along the way and allowing participants to find their stride and gradually build confidence on the trails. To celebrate the impact of the GoHike course, we asked three GoHike graduates — Alex Schesser, Andrea Mueller, and Carol Johnson — to reflect on how the program has influenced their outdoor adventures.
GoHike participants at Ebey's Landing. Photo by Pam Jorgensen.
What impact has the GoHike course had on your life?
Alex: During winter 2023 I did not hike, nor did I spend much time outside. I let the weather turn me away from venturing out. After GoHike, I've been going on at least two hikes a month, among other outdoor activities. Part of those have been alumni hikes that help me stay in touch with the wonderful community of hikers GoHike has helped me create, and part have been other hikes I have the confidence to take due to the knowledge gained from GoHike. I've also learned to pace myself on hikes. Before joining GoHike, I cared about getting to where I wanted to go as fast as possible, and didn’t respond appropriately to the terrain or how my body was handling it.
Andrea: GoHike has allowed me to just show up and go from there, learning in increments. It was quite literally one foot in front of the other. When I thought that I was going too slow, another hiker in the group said, “this is your hike too.” I realized that my pace was fine as is, and was reminded to not compare my pace to other folks’. GoHike also taught me how to be an advocate for my needs. I learned it’s okay to ask for a clothing adjustment, take a water break, or a quick breather to refresh before heading back on the trail. What I learned was: we stick together as a group and build each other up.
Carol: I have always loved the outdoors, camping, hiking, and gardening. The GoHike course structure was made just for me! I am not a staunch “go farther, hike higher” kind of hiker. I like to savor the surroundings, breathe deeply, and just move. Becoming a GoHike leader gives me an opportunity to share with others the natural beauty of our region, encouraging others to get outside in a safe environment.
Alex Schesser.
The GoHike community seems to be a close-knit group of outdoor enthusiasts. How has being part of this community influenced your connection to nature and fellow hikers?
Alex: There is nothing like having hike leader Liz McNett Crowl with you to point out the different kinds of plants or tell you what kind of bird a certain call belongs to. Many GoHike participants have great tidbits about plants, their uses in food or medicine, and their cultural significance to Native peoples. Learning about the history of the land connected to the trail, and the richness of life on the trail, lends itself to fulfilling hikes.
Andrea: My last hike of the season was at Talus and Ollie Lakes with one of the leaders from my first pacing hike. In a way, I felt it was full circle, start to finish. I’ve met so many amazing people that I wouldn’t have met anywhere else. Some grew to be familiar, encouraging faces along the many hikes in-between. Meeting new people along the way to connect and be with in nature is a fun and meaningful journey.
Carol: Because we are a like-minded group, the conversations around gear, snacks, tips, and tricks are always enjoyable. I love to be guided and explore new areas. I also enjoy sharing my gems with others. I recently led a hike where every participant knew the others in the group. The hike was lively with discussion and it was heartwarming to see a greater sense of comfortability within the group. To think, I was the catalyst!
Andrea Mueller.
Can you share an experience that highlights the sense of camaraderie and support within the GoHike community, and how it has impacted your ongoing outdoor pursuits?
Alex: One of the greatest parts of GoHike hikes is the varied experiences and interests of the participants and the chance to chat about those things on the trail. I won an inflatable kayak in a raffle. I have not been kayaking in years, nor ever kayaked in the PNW, but of course I found a fellow hiker who loves kayaking and gave me the best advice on where I should go, the weather conditions to watch out for, and the limitations of my particular kayak.
Andrea: On a hike at Mt. Erie, a large boulder was embedded in the trail. We had to figure out how to safely navigate over this boulder. Some folks were able to crawl on all fours to climb over the rock and others relied on assistance from those that made it to the other side of the boulder. It taught me that there are a variety of methods to accompany a person over an obstacle. We were able to trust each other and continue our journey to incredible views.
Carol: Co-leading with my daughter after the first season! I am grateful to lead hikes with my daughter. She is busy, so I do the administrative parts, posting the hikes, answering questions, and scouting the trails. It is always exciting for me to share our favorite hikes with others; a win-win situation.
Carol Johnson.
Go hike with GoHike
GoHike opens doors to breathtaking vistas, supportive community, and awe-inspiring natural wonders. Through shared experiences and mutual encouragement, students not only expand their outdoor skills but develop a deeper appreciation for the beauty of the natural world and their own hiking capacities. To learn more about GoHike and sign up for a course, contact info@mountaineers.org.
This article originally appeared in our summer 2024 issue of Mountaineer magazine. To view the original article in magazine form and read more stories from our publication, visit our magazine archive.
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