In these final hours of 2024, we have just one last summit push. We need to raise $215K by midnight to set us up to accomplish our mission in 2025 and beyond. Will you chip in to help close the gap?
Mountaineers like you go beyond our personal ambitions to Adventure with Purpose.
Donations help keep our books and programs accessible to everyone who wants to find confidence and community outdoors. Through volunteerism and philanthropy, our community of passionate learners, leaders, and conservationists can make an even bigger difference.
So far this season, more than 600 members have given $203,832. Our goal is in sight. Will you make a donation today to help us close the gap and support a strong start to our work in 2025?
The Mountaineers® is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located at 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115. Our staff work to support our seven branches (Bellingham, Everett, Foothills, Kitsap, Olympia, Seattle, and Tacoma), three lodges (Baker, Meany, and Stevens), and our Kitsap Forest Theater. Tax ID: 27-3009280.