
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Heybrook Lookout & Ridge

GoHike Alumni hike exploration of a new-ish route to Heybrook Lookout via Leovy trail, still some autumn color in the forest along with many mushrooms. Plus post-hike mushroom menu item.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Leovy trail is well-maintained. Large parking area. Portapotty at the TH. In several places there are massive rocks  placed as steps amongst the switchbacks that ascend to the ridge. The switchbacks make the incline gentle. There was one tree fall across the trail but easy to walk around.  There are mile markers every quarter mile until reaching the viewpoint to Bridal Veil Falls & Mt Index at 1.66 miles (per the mile marker).  From this viewpoint, the trail continues under the power lines for another ~1.25 miles where it veers south into the forest.  If I counted correctly, the distance is 6 towers in length. This connector trail is about 500' long and intersects the Heybrook Lookout trail.  Then, it's ~0.4 mile to the Lookout along the Heybrook Lookout trail.

    There are a few short steep sections  (each section maybe 100' in length) on the trail under the power lines and the last little bit before reaching the Lookout. The trail under the power lines had many sections of standing water and thigh-high rain-soaked vegetation that made one grateful for rain gear.

Everyone were well prepared for the damp conditions, staying warm and enjoying the rain-glistened foliage and bright forest mushrooms. NWS predicted torrential rain, instead just a gentle rain and breeze which was only experienced on an exposed section under the power lines.  Our average moving pace was 1.8 mph reflecting our careful steps on sodden ground covered with fallen leaves and walking over moss-covered rocks.  We encountered a yearling buck (1-point) on the trail between the viewpoint and turn into the forest. It stared at us for what seemed like a long time, took several steps toward us before nonchalantly turning to disappear into the forest. Besides the mule deer, the only other wildlife were the Canada Jays that arrived to stare at our snacks.  We paused at the picnic table under the Lookout for snack/lunch. Apparently the precip was coming straight down because the Lookout provided respite from the rain.

Our post-hike stop was at North Fork Kitchen at the Bush House Inn (on the national historic register) in Index where the menu offered soup with mushrooms harvested from the local forest. Unfortunately for us, the chef didn't have enough to make the soup today. But there was enough for a salad that included chantarelles, oyster and bolete mushrooms.  Coupled with our morning, pre-hike stop at the Sultan Bakery, this couldn't have been a better day for a hike.