Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Frog Mountain

A very beautiful trail, in great condition, with many beautiful mountain views.

  • Road rough but passable
  • The route is easy when snow free. Views start from the trail in the forest and just get better as you get closer to the summit.



The drive in from Beckler Road is fine except for one significant ditch a few hundred feet before the trailhead. No outhouse at the parking lot. There is one a short walk up the trail at the first bend (look for a sign to the left, on a tree). No parking pass required as of this trip report.

Ran into a few snow patches on the ridge and solid snow on top. 

Trail is narrow in many places and I was glad to have a smaller party when passing other hikers.

We hiked a slower pace up, stopping several times for water and pictures. The trail was mostly shaded in the morning and more exposed to sun on the way down. 

People remarked many times about how pretty the trail is and how great the views are. Definitely save this one for a clear day when you can enjoy the views.