Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Basic Glacier Climb - Mount Baker/Coleman Glacier

Ideal conditions on a 2 day climb.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • -Parking and Heliotrope trail in good condition
    -Creek crossings manageable without taking shoes off
    -Mostly no mosquitos except at Murkwood Camp
    -Running water commonly available up to Hogsback Camp. Almost no running water after.
    -A few small crevasses to step over but generally can be walked around. Coleman glacier route in ideal conditions. crevasses easy to navigate.
    -Roman Wall in good condition; snow with boot pack
    Hogsback camp, 5,900' elevation
    Coleman glacier with Colfax Peak in background, 6,800' elevation
*BMC Alpine Ice at Baker seracs during the day
3:45pm- Started hiking from Murkwood/Harrison Camp towards Hogsback Camp
5:00pm- Reached Hogsback Camp, lots of groups in area but still plenty of tent spots
2:15am- Started hiking
2:30am- 6,200’ elevation, crampons on
3:15am- 7,000’ elevation, roped up
5:15am- 9,000’ elevation, Colfax Col
7:15am- Grant Peak
7:30am- Everyone on summit, 1 hour break
8:30am- Started hiking down from Grant Peak
11:30am- Back at Hogsback Camp, camp breakdown
12:45pm- Started hiking down to cars
2:15pm- Back at cars