Trip Report
Basic Alpine Climb - Dome Peak/Dome Glacier
Conditions are still ideal all the way to summit.
- Fri, Jul 14, 2017 — Sun, Jul 16, 2017
- Basic Alpine Climb - Dome Peak/Dome Glacier
- Dome Peak/Dome Glacier
- Climbing
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
As reported previously, the Bachelor Creek bypass route from 4100ft to 4500ft is the only way to go. The slide alder has a nice trail beaten all the way to the forest traverse. There are several logs to cross accessing the east side between 4400 and 4500ft once you make it there on a faint boot path. It will get better in time.
Camped 15 minutes beyond Cub Lake on a fantastic flat bench. 10hrs, 4700ft.
We had boots on trail at 5am. On the way up Itswoot ridge, you cross a fast waterfall. Just beyond falls, look for the faint trail to the right that goes up through some white talus. Do not go straight up as it gets real nasty. From ridge its a gradual descent on rock and snow past a prominent rock buttress. Go straight up the steep snow easily to top where it flattens. A few ups and downs took us to the Glacier where we roped up. Travel was flat and easy with a few one ft wide cracks to jump all the way to notch. Shrund is fine and should be for quite a few weeks. From notch, we headed straight up the steep snow to a nice bivy spot. From there, you simply follow the snow ridge (or easy rock later). Once near the top, a moat existed all the way to the summit "bulge". We stemmed this distance, built an anchor and I put in a handline to summit. Bring a .5, .75 and 1.0 inch cams. I did not like the location of the rap/ summit anchor so I built gear anchor with and pink, red and brown Tri-cam just beyond to keep the rope where I wanted it.
6 hrs to summit. Took in the views and chilled out making for a moderate 12hr day.
Very physical outing, so be sure everyone is aware of this.