
Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Goat Island Mountain

CCW loop

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • There was no obvious waytrail starting up the NE ridge from the Wonderland trail.    We had to BW at first.  The second person got stung by 4 bees that were accidentally stirred up by the first person about 350' after starting up the ridge.    There were stingers imbedded.   The stingers were brushed off asap and fortunately no allergic reaction.  We continued up the ridge staying near the crest until reaching 5900'.

    We decided to go right into the basin N of the NE ridge, rather than going left and heading for the E ridge.   There was less snow than on Michelle's TR from July 2022.   Mostly it was a sea of talus.    We donned helmets and did a rising traverse.    We traversed past a big black buttress, then saw a broad gully.  We ascended across this on snow and talus then gained the NE ridge at about 6800'.   Then followed NE ridge to the top.   We managed to stay out of each others' fall line for the most part, avoiding rockfall hazard.    

    After summitting 7288' and following the main ridge to the false summit 7218', we left the ridgetop before reaching the saddle, and picked our way down steep hillside towards Fryingpan Creek.  Encountered a clear stream and filtered water.   Reached Fryingpan Creek and walked across on boulders at about 5850'.    There were several acceptable crossings in this area - gaiters weren't needed.    

    Then we descended along the creek going sometimes in brush, sometimes along rocky creekbank.   Flagging marked a trail that ascended briefly to meet where the Wonderland Trail  trail comes down from Summerland.  After that we were on the trail down to the cars.

    We had a new log bridge to walk over spanning the creek at about 5200', so no creek fording was required here.   

    We didn't see anyone all day except at the TH and on the Wonderland trail, where many backpackers and hikers were headed up on this Friday afternoon.

    I had hoped to see wildlife such as goats and ptarmigans but did not.   Did hear lots of marmots whistling in the basin and at least one was seen.    There were goat tracks and scat from goats and ?bear?  ?other?,  and lots of wildflowers.

Our party of 5 met at the Fryingpan Creek/Summerland TH  at 6:30 a.m. on a Friday morning, and there was lots of parking available.  After our trailhead discussion we started up the trail, then turned right on Wonderland trail until reaching the base of NE ridge, where we left the trail and headed left up the ridge.    

During the trip we took several breaks plus a 40 minute lunch on the summit.    It was a beautiful day:  highs in the 70s, mostly blue skies, slight breeze.   We could see Adams, Hood, Baker, Glacier, Stuart, as well as close-up details of Rainier, Little Tahoma, and surrounding area. 

There had been no recent trip reports so we came equipped with ice axes and microspikes, but didn't need them.    We used hiking poles, mountaineering boots, helmets, sun protection.    We brought gaiters but they were personal preference and not essential.

We went a moderate pace; enjoyed the views, and took 4.5 hr car to summit; 9.5 hr car to car.    My Gaia stats were 9.4 mi, 3450 ft gain.