Butterflies and Buckwheats

Butterflies and Buckwheats

Naturalists Study Group Lecture

David Nunnallee is co-author with David James of the authoritative guide, “Life Histories of Cascadia Butterflies.” David will focus on Washington’s buckwheats (genus Eriogonum) which feed a wide variety of adult butterflies, and are mandatory larval hosts for many of our smaller butterflies: the blues, hairstreaks and coppers. David has been studying butterflies in the Pacific Northwest for 15 years. Hundreds of his photographs are published in field guides, online, and in permanent public displays. He is cofounder of the Washington Butterfly Association.

Entry is FREE for members of the Naturalist Study Group. All others $5 at the door.

More information about this event…

Seattle Program Center
7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
Cascade A, Cascade B
