Spring Hiking Series: Olympic River Rambler Apr to May Hikes

Field trip: Spring Hiking Series: Olympic River Rambler

Spring Hiking Series: Olympic River Rambler Apr to May Hikes - Tubal Cain Mine

*** Trip initially open to Spring Hiking Students. Trip will open for registration to all Mountaineers 7 to 10 days prior to the hike date. ** We will hopefully see some huge Rhodes, an old mine, and a B-17 crash site.

  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 9.2 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,622 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 4,600 ft
  • Pace: 2 mph avg

Note Change *Sequim Bay SP 8:15.  Anyone wishing to carpool and ride with me can meet at TCC Park n Ride 0630. 

Goals for this hike are to get a workout, enjoy each other's company, and enjoy nature (and find crash site).  My leadership style is laid back.  I like the group to more or less stick together, or at least wait at any trail junctions if you must walk faster. The avg pace is 2, which means possibly a little slower on the uphill, sl faster on the downhill.  


Tubal Cain Mine

  • Custom Correct Buckhorn Wilderness

    Green Trails Tyler Peak No. 136

    Green Trails Olympic Mountains East No. 168S

    Trails Illustrated Olympic National Park
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

10 Essentials

Trip Reports