Seattle MAC Ice Climbing Trip

Youth activity: Mountaineers Adventure Club

Seattle MAC Ice Climbing Trip - Franklin Falls

An ice climbing day trip. This is an advanced trip with prerequisites, please see leader's notes.

  • Easy
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 2.0
  • Elevation Gain: 400 ft

Trip Sheet:


Prerequisites: At least 1 year of MAC under your belt and attendance at the snow 1 and snow 2 field trips to gain familiarity with basic crampon and ice axe use to build upon that into using the more aggressive ice climbing crampons and tools. 

Attendance at 1 of the 2 intro sessions in August + attendance at at least two of the drytooling sessions throughout the late summer and fall. Participants should be in regular contact with program manager to make sure they are up to speed and meeting all prerequisites. 

This is an ice climbing trip at the Snoqualmie Pass area. 

We will meet at the Program Center at 6:00 AM to make sure everyone has gear and pick up the group gear.


Franklin Falls

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

  • Mountaineering Boots
  • Technical Crampons
  • Ice Tools
  • Climbing Helmet
  • Climbing Harness with Ice Clippers
  • 30-40L Backpack
  • Belay Device and Locking Carabiner
  • Spare Locking Carabiner
  • Personal Climbing Equipment: Cordelette, Prussik, Anchor Material
  • 21cm Ice Screw, V-Threader, Small Knife, Spare 7mm Tat
  • Ice Screws and Draws (dictated by route)
  • Avalanche Gear (if needed): Beacon, Shovel, Probe
  • Headlamp
  • First Aid Kit
  • Guide's Tarp
  • Communication Device
  • Small Repair Kit
  • Food and Water
  • Toilet Paper and Lighter
  • Sunscreen, Sunglasses, Lip Chap
  • Clothing and Gloves (see ice climbing layering post here)

See complete gear packing list here. Leaders will have gear for leading such as screws.

Overnight gear if overnight trip - likely will not snow camp but stay in some sort of lodge. 

Trip Reports